Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [to-vb] [conj] at " in BNC.

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1 That does not guarantee results , but I want to see than at Bramall Lane .
2 I concede that it will do for judging in retrospect the spontaneity beyond the margins of my rationality , as when jumping like an instinctive animal for the side of the road , and for such primitive choices as the child 's refusal of another helping ; but I continue to insist that at the centre of me I differ from the child in having escaped being restricted to choice between spontaneous goals .
3 And he revealed : ‘ A deal was agreed with Frank Williams before that race in front of a witness and I have to say that at the time I felt very , good about racing again with Williams in 1993 .
4 But I have to say that at that time I still did n't know , I had a good idea , that it was n't the man we were looking for but therefore he was still arrested and he was arrested on sus well for harbouring an escapee .
5 Although I have to confess that at present , during a time of recession , it is increasingly difficult to attract the backing of galleries for such shows and , indeed , to have the personal confidence to finance and promote them oneself , the solo exhibition remains an important event to which every serious artist occasionally ought to aspire .
6 I have to admit that at first it was n't completely right .
7 I have to admit that at this stage I was still wondering if this was just one of those gimmicky fashions that organizations , educational as well as industrial , go through occasionally .
8 And on the other hand , what are changes such that we want to say that at the end of the change there is just no me left there at all and I 've been replaced by something else .
9 In all that follows , as we look at this third priority for new churches , we need to remember that at root we need to fall in love with Jesus .
10 We need to recognize that at some level , the processes of computer-aided historical research which involve the application of expert or subject-specific knowledge — are explicable in generic terms that can be made accessible to non-specialists .
11 In a modern society , it is — more or less — up to the individuals or couples to choose the age at which they marry or enter into one kind of conjugal union or another , to decide whether they should have a child or children or not , mow many children they want to have and at what intervals , and to opt for an age at which they want to cease childbearing , etc .
12 It is what they want to learn and at the speed they want to learn it .
13 From the start the new feature film had been saddled with outside obligations ; it had to preach or at least uplift , or if it were borrowing from literature it had to satisfy so many knowledgeable readers .
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