Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pers pn] up at " in BNC.

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1 I caught him up at last .
2 He got the sack , cos he got up and left his job overslept and annoyed erm Rachael because she woke him up twice and said come on you 've got to go to work , he said alright then , she , she went back to bed thinking he 'd get up and of course he were still laying in bed , I woke him up at five to eleven , said come on you 're an hour late , but when he got down there they said no it 's no good you 've got the sack , and he said well it 's your own fault then cos you were woke up twice by Rachael at nine o'clock , he had n't , he could have got up and gone to work , just idle we met him twice , it really upset him
3 No , you said would I bring it up at this meeting .
4 getting a bit half two , I took him up at twenty to by the time I came down it was quarter to three , he was really rubbing his eyes
5 Shall I pick you up at the same time as I did this morning ? ’
6 Someone picked her up at King 's Cross .
7 I picked it up at Camden Lock . ’
8 you bring it up at the update and get some feedback from that
9 She phoned me up at home on a Sunday , asking
10 No I was talking to Julie yesterday , she phoned me up at the
11 You want them up at the top of the sheet , where they 're going to be seen first ( they look that good ) .
12 And I feel really guilty , I think oh I better bring her in and then she wakes me up at six o'clock bouncing on the bed !
13 ‘ It 's very kind of you to put me up at such short notice , but I really would n't dream of imposing .
14 ‘ You get several colleagues and the latest British Telecom touch dial screen technology with all the market-makers ’ numbers pre-programmed and you ring 'em up at exactly the same time .
15 She took him up at once .
16 when she , this man was n't very well on , she saw him up at her window and she saw he was n't very well on the other side of the road and she sent down to ask him to come in and she gave him a cup of tea and everything and she was talking
17 Why do n't you pick me up at the Tech ?
18 Well will you pick me up at
19 She picked it up at the third ring .
20 The phone on the wall close to her rang and she picked it up at the second ring .
21 They were either born rich , or they 're getting their own back on the kids who beat them up at school . ’
22 And as for us , could we ring them up at midnight
23 So we picked her up at about twenty to three and we took her back there at quarter to eight ?
24 They buried her up at St Saviour 's , in the far corner of the graveyard where the ground slopes away from the redstone church .
25 And tell her to pick me up at ten thirty .
26 They found the brassiere under the bed and Jo let him hook it up at the back for her .
27 in the morning , they wake me up at six o'clock in the morning !
28 The pair had star quality written all over their faces as they hammed it up at a Buddy Holly tribute .
29 Sometimes I get very cross with the patients , sometimes they , when you 're on call , they ring you up at three in the morning and say they 're constipated !
30 They rang me up at eight o'clock one morning to be there
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