Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It will target specifically chosen people in an effort to help them make links with the changing climate .
2 Within a few years of transfer to the South Metropolitan system , all these cars had the headlamps moved from the canopy front to the usual position on the dash , one reason being that it enabled them to carry advertisements in the same positions as the rest of the fleet .
3 You 'd be surprised , some of them make bookings with the beautician and hairdresser even before they come on board . ’
4 IT really annoyed me to see leaders of the public service unions on TV going on about how a pay freeze would be unacceptable to their members .
5 I thinks the manufacturing experience I had was very important , because it enabled me to see things from the manufacturer 's point of view , which many retailers have n't done .
6 They had two sons , both of whom became directors of the firm .
7 The nests are intricate structures beautifully woven by the male birds , who then display on them to attract females to the nest .
8 Furthermore , this focus on child support does nothing to compensate women for the real inequalities that marriage and child-rearing brings .
9 The restructuring would be supported by loans totalling between $500,000,000 and $600,000,000 from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank ( IADB ) to provide those dismissed with compensation , training and advice to enable them to find jobs in the private sector .
10 I 'm not really sure how I became friends with the boy , but he also has quite a good personality , + I can have a good laugh with him .
11 At one time , and I became adversaries over the selection of polio virus strains to be used as oral vaccines .
12 On each trip I overheard snatches of the bar-room conversations and could hear the louder buzz of continuing upheaval along in the lounge , and I thought that after I 'd satisfied everyone in the dining room I might drift along to the far end with my disarming little tray .
13 I made visits at the most relevant times during the appraisal , in particular whilst the inspection was under way , so that I could observe the effect it was having on staff .
14 I made copies of the information and these this was given to Superintendent .
15 To ascertain with accuracy whether such structure existed throughout its whole length , I made sections of the spinal marrow at different distances from the brain , and found that each divided portion exhibited an orifice with a diameter sufficient to admit a large sized pin ; from which a small quantity of transparent colourless fluid issued like that contained in the ventricles of the brain .
16 I made noises about the absence of a bank in this so-called international airport ; but what choice did I have ?
17 Using 3½× ¾in wooden slats resting on battens , I made spacers from the same wood , and glued these to the battens .
18 So I made enquiries at the hall .
19 When I found out the identity of the person owning or occupying the flat at I made enquiries at the police station 's department in that office erm they they keep records of any , any information about persons in the area and beyond .
20 I could make no further headway with the landlord so I made enquiries amongst the other customers : a beggar who whined for alms inside the doorway and a greasy-haired knave , but they only repeated what the landlord had said .
21 Born of the earth , I made terms with the earth ,
22 In the meantime , I made inquiries with the old-folk of the village to see if they remembered any house or cottage ever standing on that particular field .
23 I made inquiries about the press conference and I am assured that it had nothing to do with this matter .
24 I mean feelings on the matter .
25 But we have now taught ourselves to see benefits to the organism as incidental , as far as natural selection is concerned .
26 Not only have I received representations from the Apparel , Knitting and Textiles Alliance , but my right hon. Friend and I have had most useful discussions with it .
27 Rather than mix grass and flower seed before sowing , I raise seedlings of the flowering plants in trays .
28 I met representatives of the National Association of Youth and Community Education Officers yesterday .
29 ‘ I was always the top broker at any firm I worked for on Wall Street and before that I sold memberships at the Museum of Modern Art .
30 ‘ The exhibition was rather successful and I sold prints of the caricatures . ’
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