Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adj] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 Anne and Sarah tried to keep the peace but Miss Meers was a slave driver , and would never allow them to stand still for a moment .
2 Then , finally , as we hit Highlight in deep space beyond the Ixyphal system , I asked Posi for a playback of any comm messages .
3 I will grow old gracefully , as we are advised ; and as I made ready for the night I tried to see myself as the little girls must have seen me .
4 I lay frozen for a moment , and then I called out , " Who is it ? "
5 Do you know I lay awake for a little while last night and came to the conclusion that I had no grounds for thinking him old or frumpy ?
6 Can I stay overnight for a trial period ?
7 ‘ Did I fall asleep for a minute ?
8 Did I feel sad for the sadness he endured ?
9 There are two projects in the Library which I consider appropriate for the involvement of the Friends .
10 Before making more coffee I stand silent for a full minute , to be sure there 's nothing out there I should have heard .
11 If Punch dies , how do I keep sane for the next 40 years ! !
12 ‘ You mean , I talk funny for an ex-bog-trotter slum-kid ? ’
13 Maidstone chairman John Waugh , who bought the club just three weeks ago , said : ‘ I feel desperate for the people that have worked so hard for the club .
14 I feel sorry for the French Commando being carried by the two German soldiers .
15 I feel sorry for the little girl and I suggest to the writer that she consoles her daughter by telling her that the vile custom of killing wild animals for fun is on the way out , that almost all british people feel as she does , and are determined to end such cruelty , and that she can help to bring about its end by supporting the League Against Cruel Sports and talking about the work they do to her schoolfriends .
16 I FEEL sorry for the parents of the little boy who had his face ripped open by an alsatian .
17 He said : ‘ I feel sorry for the ref if he 's being hammered .
18 I feel sorry for the fans who have travelled all this way to see that . ’
19 I feel sorry for the supporters here because they thought Hirst was going .
20 I feel sorry for the man .
21 I feel sorry for the farmers with so many rules and changes from the Common Market laws .
22 I feel sorry for the chaps who discover the same problem in their 20s . ’
23 I feel sorry for the poor person who has to translate it .
24 I feel sorry for the couple , ’ said Father Kipling confidentially , as he ushered her into the church .
25 And I feel sorry for the officers ' families who have to know that every time they go to work they 're in this sort of danger .
26 Mike Cotton , cross country secretary of the Cleveland Schools AAA , said : ‘ I feel sorry for the lad but there is absolutely nothing we can do about it . ’
27 I feel sorry for the fans .
28 I have very sketchy information , but I feel sorry for the player .
29 I feel sorry for the Tories , they will only be able to go for a cruise around the world once instead of two or three times a year .
30 The one time I feel sorry for the chaplain is when he falls into Madeline 's clutches , not that he minds but Trollope makes us aware that Signora Neroni is like a spider , trapping innocent people and sucking their will and life from them .
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