Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 His words gave her a slight shock as they sent tingles of pleasure through her , but she knew she must not allow them to go to her head , so she pushed them aside as she uttered a light laugh and said , ‘ Me — an angel ?
2 In addition , publicity was making benefit claimants aware of the impending changes and advising them to go to their CAB .
3 After giving instructions about his place of burial , he required them to go to his study and take out three great hampers of books and burn them , ‘ Inasmuch as all the comedies , tragedies , pastorals , etc. , heroical poems , love hymns and the like are full of idolatry and especially tend to the overthrow of the Christian religion . ’
4 cos it 'll make them think about their language wo n't they ?
5 to promote greater accountability of schools by requiring them to report on their practice to their governing bodies and to the LEA ; to promote the improvement of educational practice by requiring schools to undertake a review of their activities .
6 Wainwright had nothing to lose by his insubordination as it was his last game for Leeds : he had enlisted with the Royal Garrison Artillery and left for Dover two days later .
7 However , the hon. Gentleman can not expect me to agree with his preface , in which he said that his right hon. Friend the Prime Minister had negotiated brilliantly .
8 For five months , the two of them lived with her mother in Brighton .
9 He said the words softly , like a breath , letting them mingle with her scent , then turned away , reddening at the thought that had come to mind .
10 ‘ There are no provisions for new ideas , so I keep them posted in my office until I need them , ’ he said .
11 This allowed them to include in their theory dissimilarities in free volume between polymer and solvent , together with the corresponding interactions .
12 Most of the dissenting ( Covenanting ) ministers took other jobs and waited in hope for the ruling to be reversed , at peace with their consciences by having adhered to their principles , but many felt it incumbent upon them to continue with their vocation , preaching the gospel and making true Presbyterianism available to the people .
13 This is why , after a night of south-easterly winds and rain in spring or in autumn , you can find the islands littered with small birds of many species , all desperately trying to find some food which can replenish the energy reserves sufficiently to enable them to continue on their way as soon as weather allows .
14 Nothing to report on your mother 's affairs , I 'm afraid .
15 One of them slouched in her seat making a great show of what she thought of the event .
16 She was all for a bit of ducking and diving , that 's how everyone lived in her estimation , but from what she had gleaned recently about her sons , it was a completely different lifestyle they were after .
17 And this chap in pen , and it showed them drawing on his lips when he was anaesthetized where you
18 The Somerset establishment ganged up on them , wrongly accused them of being troublemakers , and one committee member tried shamefully to get them sacked from their newspapers .
19 The lines that radiated from their corners did nothing to detract from their brilliance , but in some curious way made her look approachable , despite her immense style .
20 Rosemary , playing safe , refused to go out with him unless I came too so in the end we used to make up a foursome with Henry 's pilot , Jimmy , and with me sticking to my policy of not getting involved .
21 One of the impressive things about all this is that everyone agrees about his modesty , his lack of show .
22 That possibility was handled by Bob Beckman , an American economist-writer who has settled in this country and has built a reputation for the uncanny accuracy of his predictions , though it is fair to say that not everyone agrees with his views of his predictions .
23 Choose a scene where much of this is conveyed visually and see how far everyone agrees in their interpretation of what they see .
24 It gives me the opportunity to see God in young people and watch them develop in their faith in the short time that they are here .
25 The interesting point about the satellites is that their behaviour includes many submissive components that trick the resident males into allowing them to remain near their sites .
26 ‘ The Kha-Khan wants me to report on his conduct . ’
27 Did you expect me to fall on your neck in some touching display of filial affection ? ’
28 ‘ Do n't expect me to fall on your neck in gratitude , Merkut , ’ he said .
29 ‘ One ca n't give cast-iron guarantees , just as you ca n't give me guarantees about my safety if I was to go to Birmingham , ’ Mr Thomas replied .
30 But working on that film made me think about my life .
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