Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
2 The drawback is the cost of insisting that everyone goes for the same type of equipment .
3 In many households it is conventional for everyone to retire at the same time , and to re-emerge simultaneously in the morning , with scant toleration being shown to individuals who do not conform .
4 Christian Democrats voted by 66 to 28 to accept the Tories as ‘ allied members ’ , allowing them to sit in the same group as the Christian Democrats in the Strasbourg Euro-parliament from May 1 .
5 But even if we did have some such reason — even if we thought it slightly more natural for right-handed people , who form the majority , to drive on the right — our reasons for wanting everyone to drive on the same side would still be much stronger .
6 We might , therefore , expect them to work in the same sort of way as the visual system .
7 Now what I 'm wondering is this : instead of thinking that staying put is natural , and then having to introduce a force of gravity — which then mysteriously pulls on everything to make them behave in the same way — why not start out by saying that falling is the natural thing to do !
8 Cooking procedures : most of the meals do not need cooking , just add hot water and leave them to stand for a few minutes .
9 There are at least ten or a dozen different principal textures , but it would be unusual to find a large number of them used in the same piece .
10 I lived in the same house as him once .
11 If it is not permissible to take into account what was said by the Financial Secretary , I remain of the same view .
12 The canoeing is mostly grade I racks with a few tight grade I+/II shoots ; there is one grade II at Bogroy footbridge , a twisting descent over 3 rock ledges , and the photographically spectacular grade III in the centre of Carrbridge itself .
13 Instead he told the judge that if he let his son go free , he would see to it that his got into no more trouble .
14 I sit in the same seat as before , just by the window .
15 Out of each battle , when the person dies , his replacement — his ghost-appears in the same tinted colour and keeps the unit up to complement .
16 ‘ Well , I did get a bit depressed at times … and I got through a few pairs of shoes . ’
17 It has n't been a disastrous trip for me , but I got in a few times without going on to a really big score . ’
18 And I knelt for a few moments , head buried in my hands .
19 In the next article , I will describe the details of the job , and in another the solutions I found to the many problems encountered on the way .
20 But then I found in the same week in the relatively liberal UK magazine Time Out several references to women as ‘ chicks ’ and ‘ broads ’ .
21 And I sleep with the same Jew 's son , Ginny thought , whenever I can .
22 I peered at a few of them , identifying Filmer and Daffodil 's Laurentide Ice as a light grey colt with brittle-looking bones , the Lorrimores ' Voting Right as an unremarkable bay , and the Youngs ' Sparrowgrass as a bright chestnut with a white star and sock .
23 Just a means to get what I want with the least amount of trouble . ’
24 er , so I 've a , is n't it , it 's a case of no news is possibly good news again , erm , I 'm trying to get in touch with the National Co-Organiser for Carl and John without er any success erm , I know he was going to the erm , the British Section just erm , he was gon na check on them and what actions were forthcoming but er , I have n't heard about that erm , I dare say there 's some on the way erm , the erm , the other few points were erm Jackie 's talk last month she mentioned that erm she was gon na give sort of the more forms sort of side presentation and stuff at their centre in North London , I 've got ta date for that now , it 's erm the eighteenth of March , which is a Wednesday so eh , I 'll certainly be going , if anybody else is interested that 's er , that 's the date er , it 's , it 's not entirely to do with but it , it has a link in , erm we were mentioning campaigns last month , I believe there 's a fourth coming one on , indigenous peoples , which , er , it 's , it 's all sort of triggered off by erm the er five hundredth anniversary of Columbus discovering the Americas erm , the erm cast and the whole of all the sort of the Region and Action networks and the Americas are , erm gon na have a big link in with that campaign so , erm , I , I 'd really like to see us sort of getting involved with that , yes , and , I mean , I 'll be involved to an extent anyway , cos some of the actions that I 'll getting will be sort of addressing the issue of indigenous people 's but erm , erm , they if , if nobody else is wiling to take it on , I 'll , I 'll , I 'd certainly be prepared to erm , sort of co-ordinate that campaign , erm , having said all that , erm I mentioned to a few people that erm , erm in the process of buying a house , so erm I could be moving in well hopefully as little as two months time so erm , I mean if er is as quite as it has been for the last few months , I probably wo n't have any problems , but erm , sod 's law it 's bound to pick up just as I 'm moving house
25 And Colin had his done about the same time .
26 But my hunch proved right , I came across a few likely looking names and phone numbers and eventually I found a breeder in Bow , East London , who had several barn owls , all brothers and sisters , who would be the perfect training age for me .
27 I came at the same time as the Sweeper came for I saw him standing by this very cage in clothes the people wear and not in Keeper-clothes such as he began to wear afterwards . ’
28 I came in the same van as someone called Gleeson , ’ said Marcus .
29 FIGURE 3 I put in a few plants growing outside the window .
30 And Graham claimed : ‘ Frank McLintock was a marvellous skipper — I should know because I played in the same team with him .
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