Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing for it but for me to drive the ten miles there and back and pick it up , because the doctors would need to examine him and sign the certificate at 6.30 .
2 There was a practical circus item which asked pupils to weigh given letters and then cost them using the postal charges table ( see Table 4.8 ) .
3 Det Ch Insp Roy Lambert said there was nothing to connect the two men with the car .
4 The same attitude is recognizable in the fragments of the histories of Posidonius , the pupil of Panaetius who , amidst all his philosophical work , decided to become the continuator of Polybius for the period after 146 B.C. It is uncertain whether Posidonius concluded his histories with the events of Sulla 's dictatorship or whether he extended them to include the Eastern wars of Pompey .
5 Before I regret the temporary arrival of my better nature , you 'd better let me make a few calls and see what I can do to get you home today . ’
6 Erm let me make a few announcements erm firstly Longmans the publishers are producing a large and they hope definitive dictionary of the English language and in aid of this they have asked various universities to produce examples , recorded examples of academic monologue and we 've agreed to cooperate and that is what this little piece of electronic wizardry is in aid of in case you were wondering .
7 Having endorsed this as a learning technique , let me make a few recommendations and observations of my own and list my personal ‘ top ten ’ .
8 Everyone got the critical hots for Gotham 's rooftop dominatrix .
9 Whatever I use , whether it is a crystal ball , a pack of cards , or an article belonging to somebody , it is simply a stageprop ; something that gives me the right vibrations and helps me to see the right pictures . ’
10 Many graduates could benefit from TOPS courses because their degree courses are often too specialised to allow them to acquire the generalised skills useful in many jobs .
11 Following the first leg little or nothing separates the two teams .
12 A Directive binds member states to certain specific objectives , but leaves them to implement the necessary measures through national laws .
13 If your senior executives have the information to help them answer the following questions they will be well equipped to make the right decisions .
14 He 's certainly made me laugh a few times !
15 During the determined drive against Dissent in the first half of the 1680s , government directives were issued to judges , magistrates , constables and churchwardens requiring them to enforce the penal laws strictly .
16 Now we do n't need so many generals and governors , they let some of them read a few books .
17 She looked through the drawers of his desk and found nothing to indicate the financial problems her cousin had spoken of .
18 Nothing illustrates the blatant inequalities in society better than the fact that Durham County Council is having to close several old people 's homes .
19 Not everyone has the same tastes , remember — some people do n't like reading long text messages like those in Nythyhel , but perhaps it 's time for another game with a strong storyline .
20 They were in a minority but were expected between them to meet the sexual needs of the men .
21 Below : The Nfis Slabs — descending them posed a few problems ( photos by the author ) .
22 Amaury de Craon wrote to Edward II from Sablé in November 1323 telling him that the ‘ great uneasiness of heart that I feel as a result of the dispute between you and your brother the king of France , our lord , and a desire to find ways , according to my humble ability , to prevent it , has emboldened me to write the following things ’ .
23 It was too easy to gain access to a Company 's computer records when everyone used the same communications web .
24 It can link together disparate and formally opposed groups , leading them to discover the morbid pleasures of seeing themselves as ‘ one nation ’ .
25 This is a fax I want you to send to Ian in Aiden Mouth and it reads as follows good afternoon Ian , at long last I 've been able to get down to this memo of yours , dated the thirtieth alt can you please let me know the actual deliveries ' figures in the first part of this memo .
26 Above them rose the poor fields , littered with rock and gorse , the lower slopes of the mountain .
27 The following day I asked the young women of an all-girls ' school I was visiting if they had seen her , and what they thought .
28 I put that as an amendment , not reiterating the entire Labour budget , but I asked the Liberal Democrats , who purport to want to erm provide that sort of service to vulnerable people could they not accept that extra half a million pounds as an amendment , and two out of the group abstained , the rest of them voted against that as an amendment .
29 mm , I think maybe at the start though when I said do you have a beautiful body , maybe I asked the wrong questions , let me ask you this question at the end , do you like your body ? , er button one for yes and button two for no , and maybe we 'll get a different answer then , eighty five people said no they did n't have a beautiful body , but fifty six people here say yes they like their body , forty four is too many people who do n't , why not ? , who said no ? , why , why do n't you ? , yes
30 I do n't imagine that he felt any easier immediately I applied the hot blankets , but suggestion is a powerful weapon in the armoury of the doctor , and he did at least manage a smile .
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