Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] you for " in BNC.

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1 Could I stay with you for a few days and learn how you manage without magic ? "
2 After I shouted at you for not being there for Mrs Richards ? ’
3 ‘ Mr Pinkhammer , ’ he said , ‘ can I speak with you for a minute ?
4 May I speak to you for a moment ? ’ he asked in a lower tone .
5 That is why I came to you for advice . ’
6 I rely on you for my information on domestic American politics , on which , admittedly , I am not an expert .
7 Can you please let me know what the position is with regard to order number 026 that I placed with you for the above tape to run it on VAX 3500 running ULTRIX , at either 6250 or 1600 bpi ? ( ordered on 12 May )
8 Aye have a look , while you 're doing that I 'll have a look at what bits and pieces see if I talk to you for a minute about these
9 I 've fought how I feel about you for so long ; now I want to take you there , to put every one of them right . ’
10 ‘ The truth is that I fought what I felt for you for as long as I could , and even after we made love I told myself that I wanted you , desperately , but that you meant nothing more to me than an object of desire . ’
11 Mr , I turn to you for guidance on that one .
12 Matilda said , ‘ Please may I talk to you for a moment ? ’
13 Why what does she want with you for ?
14 Then , if you like , you can do a little pantomime routine where you look behind you for the ghost but it follows you around until you finally find it , and then you can do a brief activity with the ghost , like walk around the room in ‘ follow my leader ’ style or sing a song such as ‘ My kneebone 's connected to my thigh bone ’ .
15 What she getting at you for ?
16 At that time you had to stay with your tutor constable who looked after you for twelve weeks .
17 You can work in private practice where the clients are people who come to you for help ; or you can work for central or local government , the Magistrates ' Courts Service , or a commercial or industrial organisation , where the employer is your ‘ client ’ .
18 It avoids one of the most familiar classroom situations in the primary school — the child who comes to you for a word which is already written down higher up the page .
19 Most merciful father who has told us to love you with all our strength and glorify you in our bodies , we commend to you for your continual blessings the hospitals of our land and those who serve in them prosper all that is being done in the healing of the sick , the conquest of disease and the training of doctors and nurses that your will may be done for the relief of suffering and the making of lives whole through Jesus Christ our Lord amen
20 Er , we originally , my wife and I , come from Scotland , and when you get people ringing up from er Scotland saying , well we 're just passing through en route to Paris , or Amsterdam , or somewhere , can we stay with you for a couple of days , it 's very difficult not to say , er , well , I 'm busy is n't it really , and you , you 've got to accept them really ?
21 Lord Jesus Christ , you have promised perfect liberty to those who trust you ; we cry to you for those who are at this moment enslaved by their need to take drugs .
22 Lord , you are the source of peace ; we cry to You for peace in our world ; daily we see and hear of strife within nations , of tensions between states , of violence being done by men against men ; we are sad Lord , and know that You are sad too .
23 We know that you are sad to see so many disputes between different parts of your family and we cry to you for unity and harmony between brothers and sisters .
24 ‘ We could n't think where you were , ’ said my mother , ‘ we hunted for you for hours . ’
25 Therefore we turn to you for help in ways to make lightweight canoes in a cheap but very safe manner .
26 I keep , apart from the fact that we 've got an enormous number of deadlines , but David keeps saying , ’ we must stop ’ , and then people ring us up and say ’ Oh , I , can I do this ’ , and we 've , you know people say , ’ Oh , well , I play the saxophone ’ , and then we find out that he 's got a huge band and he 's very famous , and they 've just rung us up to say , you know , can we play for you for free .
27 We pray to you for the quiet mind ,
28 We pray to you for the enlightened imagination ,
29 We pray to you for the mastered will ,
30 We pray to you for the life which is hid in You ,
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