Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] the last " in BNC.

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1 Be before we start can I make two quick announcements , one er I made at the last lecture , that is there is a public lecture given by Baroness at five fifteen today on the subject of the Soviet Union and wh where does it go , erm and that 's in .
2 But you 've got to make a mental leap , because I mean for the last five years , things have been pretty horrible , since eighty seven really , I mean we 've only had the pick up in the last year .
3 But it 's also fears that the Party itself is becoming too radical too , they always want to control two elements and I mean on the last page , point number sixteen it says that how that erm tt that how that the Communist Party members ought to refrain from securing undue benefits by taking advantage of their leading position .
4 I mean over the last two years it 's been shock horror headlines , you know , will endowments fail to repay the loan , are endowments good value and I ke some of the journalists I 've read bef over the last two years have actually completely reversed what they said t two years ago when P E Ps were declining because of poor share markets and bonuses were coming through quite nicely on the endowments , they said oh endowments are the thing to do .
5 Well taking our rivers , first of all , have the rivers of Sussex changed very much in recent years , and when I say recent years I mean over the last few centuries ?
6 I think companies well in fact B and Q erm recently announced that er not recently I mean in the last eighteen months they 've started to have their er stores erm
7 If I grumble about the last movement of the Tchaikovsky , I certainly would not complain about the delicacy of the pizzicato of the third movement .
8 By the time I got to the last rocker I had been out of the garage , round the block three times , back up the drive and home in time for teal Is there any way I can turn the engine over without moving the vehicle ?
9 any way I got to the last one and it was two combinations combined together , so you 've got two separate combinations to do and then you 're to put those two together in with a different rule
10 As to the type of employment the interesting feature that I experienced over the last two to three years as shown is that the inquiry level the type of inquiries has tended to focus on manufacturing and the attraction has been the quality of the work force , that is both in skill and its healthiness you know the liability and there are other issues in there too about where Britain is at these days in terms of immunisation wage levels , but it is the people that are themselves the major attractors so the potential work force in the locality that is the major attractor .
11 It had been aimed at my head , but I moved at the last second , prompted by some unclassified intuition of survival .
12 Well I thought well I 'll , just think about what I want with the last five pounds .
13 And I mentioned at the last meeting I think what has actually been said in the erm meeting I could repeat that , but I mean it confirms exactly what you 're saying .
14 It was n't until some years later that I came back to the question of the receptors and showed that the most dramatic effects involved the NMDA glutamate receptor I mentioned in the last chapter ( but wo n't discuss further here ) .
15 When I came to the last two years of school , I wanted to specialize in mathematics and physics .
16 A quiver of anguish passed along my spine as I came to the last dish .
17 I played in the last game in the Third Division before we were relegated to the Fourth .
18 I played in the last Dublin game and the atmosphere was incredible .
19 Now I die for the last time .
20 ‘ You think I arrived in the last shower or rain ?
21 I stated in the last chapter that , in becoming anorexic , I did the only thing I could .
22 As far as I recall from the last meeting .
23 ‘ I am assuming the responsibility for all of my co-workers , both for those things I was aware of and for those things that I discovered in the last few days since the name of Olivetti began circulating .
24 So I walked to the last bench what seated three pupils , I said , there it is look it 's stuck about three inch .
25 ‘ I find by the time I get to the last houses on Christmas Eve , rum custard has congealed into a nasty skin , ’ he said .
26 And I suppose over the last twelve month we must have had as many as a dozen of such inquiries wanted their stamp franked .
27 But I suppose in the last resort , they must have thought that the less sophisticated engineering featured here is only likely to attract a specialist audience .
28 Well , I 'm really wanting to go to Birkdale , so I jumps on the last train out of St Andrews .
29 I called for the last time at the first house in the village and pressed the buzzer , but on getting no reply resigned myself to the long walk down the mountain .
30 I point to the last Northern Ireland Assembly , of which I had the honour of being Speaker .
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