Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [be] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The best thing one could do I think is to go back to past trends .
2 He 'd been sitting apparently fascinated by my World Religions class , and when he came up at the end I was sure he wanted to ask a question about Zoroastrianism or Thuggee , or whatever damned thing I 'd been going on about .
3 I 'd been going round all morning and never seen him .
4 I 'd been going out burgling , like .
5 I 'd been going out with Heather on and off , with one or two other girls in between .
6 Occasionally I was lucid enough to remember that I must never write about what was going on , or what I thought was going on .
7 Right , I , the first thing I do is go out and sweep it off the road then , I ca n't , I just ca n't remember
8 Well , I think it erm , very , I mean I think as you said Chairman , if erm , there 's a clear majority for one party it 'll unblock a whole lot of delay and decision making which I think is going on and I think that that should be helpful .
9 The other thing is my contribution to the new album is limited , Jake had most of the songs finished before I arrived and all I did was go in and lay down the bass tracks .
10 I 've been gone just two days , and when I return you 're in a stranger 's clothes with a bandaged hand , and an odd expression on your face . ’
11 also some of the things that I 've been going on with , doing this one with three , and I do n't know if it , they 'll stay in the can long enough for that .
12 erm I 'm conscious of the fact that I 've been going on for perhaps too long and I may not have said quite enough about Darwin , but let me just finish by saying this that it 's not possible today , I believe , to discuss any important problem in biology without Darwin 's thought being absolutely central to what you 're saying all the time .
13 I have you know I 've been going round and testing how many miles per galleon you can get out of it
14 I 've been going downhill for several days now .
15 I should n't have done that , but the man I 've been going out with is missing .
16 I 've been going out with the same person for five years , ’ he reveals .
17 I 've been going out with a bloke for about ten years , but I would n't marry him — I 'd have to be in to make his tea !
18 I 've been going out with Will for nine months and five days !
19 It 's had about ten or twelve names since I 've been going there , though some of them were just for one night , just for a party or celebration , and even then the name was never written up anywhere , you just had to know that tonight it was The Lily Pond , or The Jewel Box , The Gigolo , The Hustler , The Place ( no , I think that was somewhere else ) , Grave Charges ( I loved that one ) — or The You Know You Like It , I remember that year especially .
20 I ai n't been down there for about three weeks since I 've been going there .
21 The good old pre-Taylor Report surge occured , I was flung about fifteen foot in the air , the soap box splintered , my dad acrobatically caught me in his teeth , and this big evil looking bloke got a nail in his leg from the now flattened soapbox.It was better than staying up late to watch an American Werewolf in London.The rest is history , and I 've been going ever since .
22 Eyes turned to boarded up windows and rubbish strewn in gardens and the depressing picture moved the prince to say : ‘ This is why I have been going on for so long about architecture in the environment . ’
23 I have been going out of my mind thinking about you . ’
24 I have been going out with my girlfriend for three years and she wants us to get married but I 'm not so sure !
25 I have been going out with him for three months .
26 My boyfriend and I have been going out for six weeks and everything is wonderful but it takes me honestly two hours to reach orgasm .
27 Yeah , all I wanted was go in and , now we 're bankrupt and we 're nowt where we are .
28 What I wanted was to go home and take a nice long rest .
29 In Guatemala too , the 1980s marked a high point of repression in a political conflict which has been going on for the best part of thirty years .
30 It is common for patients to appear for their first out-patient appointment with one or other of these problems , which has been going on for the previous few weeks .
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