Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A ten-minute soak worked wonders on Merrill 's jaded sense of well-being , and when she went down she found the three of them seated around a huge log fire .
2 In this programme I 'm going to sketch in a bit of the background , by way of introduction , and in later weeks , various colleagues of mine , concerned with all aspects of the computing world , will be helping me build up the over-all picture .
3 Teachers need not be afraid of explaining to pupils their reasons for wanting them to carry out a certain piece of investigatory work .
4 Hearing of this preliminary training for the Parachute Regiment at Hardwick made me think up an indelicate version of the famous old rhyme about that prodigy house , ‘ Hardwick Hall , more glass than wall ’ : ‘ Hardwick Hall , sore a — e when fall ’ .
5 One of them got out the ugliest looking knife that I have seen to cut a piece of string or something on his bicycle .
6 ‘ How many of them lacked only the good fortune that saved you ? ’
7 Looking for something that you do n't expect to find is a demoralizing task , and succeeding in finding nothing offers only a dreary satisfaction .
8 So I opened this one with practised diffidence … and , if it brought neither emotional nor financial reward , it caused me to dash off an angry — ‘ Disgusted , Centre for Policy on Ageing ’ — letter within the hour .
9 In any case , the Dwarfs saw in the savage human tribes potential allies to help them fight the Orcs and , ultimately , to help them win back the lost Dwarf fortresses .
10 ‘ I was extraordinarily lucky in starting off in a post that was small enough and compact enough to enable me to meet quite a sizeable proportion of the population . ’
11 We half expected them to come back a few days later , but they have never returned to the barn we prepared so painstakingly for them , although they are still sometimes seen in the vicinity .
12 ‘ Oh , Beth , I do love you , ’ she said : the two of them laughing all the more when a little voice piped up from its place at the table , ‘ I do love you too ! ’
13 Somewhat naïvely , I had expected it all to be sorted out then and there , but the chap just took my name , gave me a form to fill in and told me to come back a few days later for a full interview .
14 STANDARD LEVEL OF SERVICE : These amounts are the Government 's view , for the purpose of sharing out Government Standard Spending Grant ( see next note ) , of the appropriate level of spending for the authorities in your area to enable them to provide broadly a standard level of service , taking into account the particular circumstances of the area .
15 Make sure that everyone writes down the five you agree on .
16 I never did get the hang of table tennis but I became quite a useful bantam-weight and once even represented the club against Bethnal Green .
17 Nothing happened for half an hour so I asked where the nearest Young Women 's Christian Association hostel was .
18 I asked how the financial problems afflicting the charity had come about ?
19 When I asked how the Public Accounts Committee could examine what I regarded as gross excesses and a gross dereliction of duty by the Secretary of State for Transport , I was told — quite properly that the PAC could investigate only specific charges .
20 I cite only a few .
21 I feel somewhat like a Saint Bernard as I track down the American conductor John Nelson by telephone across the Alps .
22 I sketch out the whole scenario in seven minutes flat .
23 A pale autumnal sun played over Etive as I gazed up the beckoning folds of Spartan Slab with another partner , watching the leisurely antics of an American climber and his female ropemate on this classic VS .
24 Anyway I made completely the wrong decision with her with her the first time .
25 Half-blinded by shadow I made out a steep wall of steps and moved towards it .
26 I twisted around and almost blinded myself by staring straight into the sun , but then , through the dizzying glare , I made out the long silhouette of a tall man who seemed , incongruously , to be dressed in a long , transparent dressing gown .
27 Although I hated the very idea of selling things to people who might not want to buy them ( even if it was good for them ) I made quite a few sales , the main commission deriving from the sale of a Group Insurance Scheme to 32 men from the Times-Herald staff .
28 I crept back the few yards to the way marked path and walked on down the track .
29 I choked back a heartfelt tear .
30 NOT and I repeat NOT the main carriage , as someone I know once did !
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