Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adv] [prep] so " in BNC.

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1 So they would actually be in a lesson with tutors we would nominate who you 'd want them to go in with so I 'm not saying do it now you 've all got your programmes I assume , sorted for the first half term anyway an erm , pretty well tied up , should be erm so really it 's down to saying who they 're gon na go in with er
2 ‘ I thought I deserved better after so many years of service , ’ he said .
3 ‘ I do n't know why I held out for so long . ’
4 I missed out on so much , Ari , important life lessons .
5 Talks incessantly to the point of forgetting what the original question was , using long , rambling sentences which go on for so long that the interviewee ca n't remember where they started .
6 She came in without so much as a ‘ by your leave ’ or a ‘ with your leave ’ … she pushed her nose into corners , and if she did n't say the place was dirty you could see what she thought right enough .
7 aha , and you meets up with so many wonderful people .
8 And if I 'm a wicked , evil news reporter , I 'm going to leave out all the nice , positive things that you said , because you went on for so long I 'm interviewing you at half past twelve for the one o'clock news .
9 Yes for that I do n't know cos in wo one oh actually it might be this they 've added this ste Essentials actually on conversation it is a you end up with so many do n't you ?
10 If I might be so bold , for one who missed out on so much ( and not just in a cricket sense ) , I would offer a few words of advice .
11 Curious thing — she who held on to so many grievances , never spoke twice about the money she kept pouring out on all of us .
12 I think it 's their attitude because with Mr Price we get away with so much and then he says , no , and we have a real good old time .
13 We wade around in so many glossy pointless circulars , so many yards of dubious newsprint , that it is easy to forget this primary fact : it is words , and our ability to speak and write , which make us human .
14 And we 've never to so we do n't know .
15 She had conquered that by an effort of the will which had once been almost her enemy , so strong was it , but had , in enabling her to live calmly among so many enemies in male form , become her friend .
16 Perhaps on a hundredth of those thousand times , seeing her there , it had moved him to think how in so many towns like Odborough men were looking up at her as they shut shops or walked home from mills and mines .
17 Mind you , the odds were loaded against the Irish before they left home without so many experienced players .
18 they come up with so many answers they never know which one to pick .
19 ‘ Avoiding me , Hilly ? ’ he asked quietly without so much as a twitch .
20 He stands there for so long and his eyes start to close you know it 's sheer blink and er
21 ‘ I can not say what he actually said because it was so bad , and it went on for so long .
22 his join up in so many varied ways
23 the earths it comes out of so they 're selling it by the bottle in Germany .
24 Well you were just talking about children erm my feeling is that we 're all children , there is no division between being a child and an adult and I think that they can accept a whole lot , but there 's a whole lot of adults that ca n't accept the shocks that are happening today and they put them into their subconscious and unfortunately it comes out in so many other ways — it comes over as a neurosis or as a mental disorder at some later date .
25 Well I said listen if you do n't want to come please do n't so I 'm not sure whether they do she said yes yes we 'll come nothing er erm what did they say nothing comes in between so
26 no but I keep us briefed so with so we 're up to speed on it and keep those little units , that little campaign feeling here , there and everywhere going .
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