Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [conj] some [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They will have suggested topics which will bind the poor as a class together ; topics which will excite them against the rich ; topics the discussion of which in the only form in which that discussion reaches the ear will be to make them think that some new law can make them comfortable … — that Government has at its disposal an inexhaustible fund out of which it can give to those who now want without also creating elsewhere other and greater wants .
2 He was still smirking , so I presumed that some juvenile guessing-game was required of me .
3 In my view the transmitter is far better positioned on the ferret 's collar , though I acknowledge that some other people prefer for their own reasons to trail the transmitter on the line some twelve inches behind the ferret .
4 Even if the Government do not propose legislation themselves , I imagine that some Private Member will introduce a Bill and I must confess that I can see no way of postponing this issue to a ‘ gentler age ’ .
5 We have been through a ghastly situation , and I hope that some good can come of it .
6 I suspect that some devious ploy of yours is in the offing . ’
7 If research can be done in Holland and the USA , I do n't see why it should n't be done in Britain , except I suspect that some British police forces are just hostile to outsiders .
8 I could n't say for certain what our smallest listed building is , but I suspect that some old wall-mounted pillar boxes will be strong candidates !
9 While I appreciate that some married mothers do need to work for financial reasons , there are many who do n't .
10 I know that some British civil servants are making considerable efforts to improve erm in these terms but erm I think we 've still got a long way to go in appreciating the importance of at least being able to understand somebody else 's language , erm even if you ca n't always erm communicate in it as well as you can in your own .
11 I felt that some dreadful punishment had been visited upon me , punishment for a crime which I had never committed .
12 I still was n't feeling strong or back to my normal fitness , but I thought that some fresh air would do me good ( well that was my excuse anyway ! ) .
13 As already indicated in this judgment , I think that some additional safeguards are necessary , namely , that the prisoner should be informed of the advice given by the judges to the Secretary of State , and also have the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before he makes his decision about the prisoner 's date of release .
14 I hoping that some serious pound notes come after this fight I 'm getting despondent . ’
15 I deduce that some belt-tightening publishers , in the course of solving their problems by staff reduction , have unwittingly created their future competition .
16 These data contrast with those of the Independent Commission on International Humanitarian Issues ( 1986 ) which opines that some 230 million people are directly threatened by desertification and that annually 21 million ha are rendered almost or completely unproductive .
17 These trends are also confirmed in the Guardian 's ‘ People At Work Survey ’ which found that some 49 per cent of those with a GCE/CSE qualification would consider moving to take up their next job , 59 per cent of those with a first degree and 74 per cent of those with a doctorate would do so .
18 Did my right hon. Friend see the survey in The Sunday Times which showed that some Welsh-medium schools offer excellent education — some of the best education in the whole of the United Kingdom ?
19 I suspect that the Bosigran/Sennen guide will prove the most popular , which means that some excellent cliffs on the south coast will be visited less frequently .
20 Ven enquired and she realised that some small groan of despair must have left her .
21 Does she consider that some new initiative is needed to stem police brutality in countries such as Brazil — where there are 10 million street children — Guatemala , Mexico and other countries ?
22 The last two registers afford important information , not obtainable from Companies House , in relation to beneficial ownership and not just registered ownership , and are particularly valuable to a searcher who suspects that some major transaction , ( e.g .
23 those who think that some literary works are inherently and self-evidently superior to the rest and 2. those who think that such value-judgements are only the product of an ideology which itself is the product of material circumstances .
24 She said that some social workers were uneasy about that , and she agreed that it involved trust , but it was also to avoid abandoning the problem to someone else .
25 In time , she hoped that some theatrical Producer would see to it that Shakespearian plays were performed on the cliffs again , as they had been in the nineteen thirties .
26 You see cos I know that some of the phases you find that Does it genera you see cos some some of the programs generate programs .
27 She wondered if some good might come of being in the land of her ancestors .
28 Although the aims of the charter are laudable , ensuring adequate social security , the right of employees to join a union and the right to strike , among other things , they could be unworkable if one assumes that some closer links between the emerging countries of the Eastern bloc and the West — including German reunification .
29 We heard that some rich kids just ignored their fines ; theirs will have been the Porsche 928s we saw about the place .
30 We understand that some new weapons , not previously in the specification , are to be included .
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