Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [vb infin] at " in BNC.

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1 I made him look at me and see how pale I am .
2 I let myself unwind at last — how good it feels to be back in the field , especially in this cinnamon-scented corner of the mortal sphere .
3 Once I heard him speak at a church service in Morton , and although he was an excellent speaker , there was a certain bitterness and disappointment in his words .
4 My friend was about 50 feet above me and almost out of sight in the fog , when I heard him yell at me to ‘ come and see this ’ .
5 I heard him say at one gathering that there were certain things he thought ought to be done , and he was going to do them , whether people followed him or not .
6 And I 'm going as slow as I can go and I 'm just taking everything in , and I 'm unwinding , I 'm relaxing mentally and physically as I do it because that 's what I feel I need at the moment , and having that ability is good .
7 I saw him look at it in the car when we were driving to the Lubianka .
8 But the comm-screen exposes faces in the harshest detail , and for an instant I saw something move at the back of his wet old eyes , like a creature threshing in a net .
9 ‘ And I saw you glance at my car .
10 But then I see them point at me , and go , ‘ Lulu ! ’ and I think , ‘ Oh God , they 'll turn off next time I 'm on the telly ! ’
11 Usually it was someone congratulating us on having won a free dancing lesson or test drive ; but there were quite a few grumpy wrong numbers , which made us feel at home .
12 XTree Gold has a mass of file viewers which let you look at your data in its native format .
13 It is the life force within us that is the cause of that denial , which makes it impossible for the healthy to imagine a time when it will have faded , which makes them tremble at the thought that , were voluntary euthanasia ever legalized , abuse would inevitably follow , and when they became old and ill , they would be at risk of being put away .
14 You made me look at you , I 've overlowed his
15 I told my Mum that I had a headache so she let me stay at home .
16 Mittwoch ( 1990 : 117 ) feels very similar impressions to those described by Cotte : like him , she points out that a sentence such as ( 218a ) seems contradictory whereas ( 218b ) does not : ( 218a ) * She let him stay at home yesterday but he chose to go to school all the same .
17 Well if you let me know at the meeting then I 'll . .
18 If you let me know at the meeting and .
19 Lady Dawkins , who had never heard him speak before , surprised herself by her reaction when she heard him speak at the Albert Hall in January 1912 :
20 She heard him gasp at the sheer beauty of her superb feminine body .
21 " Send Mai to my hut in two minutes , " she heard him say at last in a curt voice .
22 She heard him catch at air , and cough up the last slime of the river .
23 As they passed through the hall , she saw him glance at the picture that was hanging there , and asked him on an impulse if he knew who the original was .
24 She saw him glance at her gracefully curved female body , as beautiful as any fashion model 's ; but there was no appraisal of her beauty in his eyes .
25 She saw him look at his watch again .
26 He watched her climb on to the chair , and she saw him grin at the sight of her sore rump , which she thought must burn as brightly as any beacon .
27 She saw them glance at each other and exchange a conspiratorial arching of the eyebrows , compounded in Miller 's case by the faintest of nods .
28 He came to sit beside her on the sofa ; she felt him look at her , intently .
29 She felt his retreat at once , and saw the shuttered look come down over his face .
30 Even now , she felt herself cringe at the way he 'd said ‘ little scientist ’ , all those childhood hurts about being ‘ different ’ flooding back .
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