Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [pron] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He makes me laugh he always writes in capital letters does n't he ?
2 So with that if one of them goes you just have to buy that as an element just slot it it comes it 's like a light bulb .
3 ‘ Do n't yer dare let me catch yer even looking' at 'er agen . ’
4 Do n't let me catch anybody else rushing about the corridor , or they 'll know what to expect .
5 Live , there 's a mixture of experimentation and entertainment , but without them stripping themselves emotionally bare just for the sake of it — there 's as much truth as there is artifice .
6 Everyone wants everyone else to succeed .
7 I asked yer ter let me do these books 'cos I wanted ter sort out the bills an' see where we can make savin 's .
8 I lameducked her just to show the Vestal Virgins that I was cleverer than they .
9 But er I mean we We 've spoken about it before , on the platform , and things like that , that I mean everybody knows the score that if something happens if you 're if you 're sleeping you 've not got a an excellent chance , put it like that , I mean you er I mean nobody ever expected anything like what happened on piper to happen any on that scale .
10 What on earth does Leeds need this guy for , I mean they already got Frank S. who I rate a much better player ?
11 H I mean I 'm really talking about the high number of post sixteen special needs people Gail has , has to see that I mean they probably exist in other
12 I mean they just keep hammering and hammering and more and more are going out of business .
13 Well they , they , they scroll through themselves , I mean you have no control er they are on three five two is one of the n the numbers and er there , there 's probably be about four to six pages which , you know , go er er er you have to wait , I mean they just go through I do n't know about twenty seconds perhaps each
14 Er I do n't think are pulling out but they , they 've suspended things , but I mean they just do n't know if they 're competing .
15 But they do n't , I mean they just do n't some kids have got ta sort of work at it and you 're one child , like Lee .
16 They 're cooked , but I mean they just warm up out of this world !
17 Er say , I mean they normally give me three pounds do n't they ?
18 So I go oh yeah I mean they fucking mark it urgent , any person mark it urgent , say urgent right ?
19 Only for a bloke actually it 's pretty easy , but for some of the girls I mean they sometimes has to false herself .
20 Not that I do it , I mean if I tried to read all that stuff , I 'd never leave home but I mean they actually give a a an advice list which we can then comply with .
21 But I mean they actually do work , er ten percent gross yield and erm if you asked me to explain how they get the ten percent , I 'd have to use some notes they gave to me cos it 's , cos it 's complicated , but they use derivatives , and they buy in er in the shares and options market , and erm the company I 'm thinking of actually own the shares , but you take options on them , and they take commission on the options , they also take dividends , er and by the time you 've read the , the , the spiel , it sounds a bit like you 've fitted all these petrol savers to your car and you 're driving to Nottingham , and the tank overflows , it 's that sort of
22 Erm , she started really by , well th well there is two of them involved at the time , but they started by reading a book on the subject and really just talking to me about it certainly , because I mean they really did n't understand , you know because food to them is just food , you know it was just some meal they had to eat because they were hungry and they could n't understand why I had got this whole thing completely distorted .
23 I do n't want you to imagine a great big long stalk , you know , but I mean they really do have a big projection from the side of the head in gesophola hetroinura , whereas in the known ancestor of that , gesopholis ulvestris , it 's head is just the same shape as any other sensible fruit fly .
24 I mean they really think I mean it 's like Lee he 's doing this work experience an yes it 's great an it 's a bit boring , mum and Dave said Lee , you know wake up !
25 No that 's what I mean they never go out
26 That 's why me mum and dad voted Liberal Democrat this time , I mean they never vote for them .
27 I do n't mind I mean they always wan na run off with , one you 've got to hold his hand or carry them
28 It do n't mean anything at all , but then nevertheless , I mean they always want somebody to do these sort of things it 's all , all for a purpose I suppose
29 I mean the Scottish boys I mean they always wanted the big end of the stick you see ?
30 cheaper than what I 'd had it for but I mean they always do something like that
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