Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [adj] [pron] time " in BNC.

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1 But I must n't let you run away with the impression that I spent all my time lounging around the pool .
2 Crilly and I spend all our time in bed .
3 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
4 ‘ As you see , I spend all my time with my glasses , but apart from me there 's the coastguard who does his patrol every morning , there are two gentlemen from the town who never miss walking out here for their morning constitutional and on Saturdays , there 's the children , off from school …
5 I spend half my time down in town there sorting out the problems !
6 Did you do all your time in the Met , or did you start up north ? ’
7 Would you spend all your time preparing food ?
8 One moment you give all your time to it , you do n't come home till late at night , you do n't even come home in the afternoon like ordinary men , the next you are giving no time to it at all .
9 You spent all your time wondering ‘ Did I have a freckle there ? ’
10 He 'd long ago decided that if you spent all your time listening to what people actually said , you 'd never have time to work out what they meant .
11 ‘ I suppose you spent all your time playing football .
12 Annoying when your not pleased with when you spent all your time doing it and then your not pleased with it .
13 When reading it on the spot , along with Memoirs of the Duc de Saint Simon , the visitor becomes entirely absorbed in the bizarre life of Louis XIV , a monarch who spent all his time in public , and yet allowed no man — except his brother — to sit down directly in front of him .
14 School and college for Robert divided us anyway , and it was Ann and I who spent all our time together .
15 So , think wisely before you devote all your time to carp — or any other single species .
16 And I have spent all morning saying it can not possibly be true , that you devote all your time to your aunt , that you have scarcely left the house in over a month and all the time you were doing just what you were rumoured to be doing !
17 ‘ What good is half a house in the middle of Scotland to someone who spends all her time down in London ? ’
18 There is the self-denial of the musician who devotes all her time and energy to mastering her musical instrument .
19 Oh there 's you spend all your time sorting out other people 's arguments and I 'm not as thick as that !
20 ‘ Lucy , ’ said Jay , ‘ you have all my time . ’
21 The wish bones , who spend all their time wishing some one else would do the work .
22 We used all our time , we ended up having to pay in the end .
23 We spent all our time rewriting the NCC drafts , keeping their improvements , which we accepted were valuable , but mainly restoring our original wording .
24 We spend half our time trying to escape the worries of adulthood , so it does n't make sense to rush children into it .
25 They should neither remain aloof from what goes on in life , nor should they spend all their time solving industrial problems .
26 The fearful heat of the city seemed to encourage him to sleep half his time away and she had never felt more English than when she observed his devotion that summer to the long siesta .
27 They served all their time and then there was just no future for them .
28 As far as the organisation of their work was concerned , only four said that they spent all their time with the ‘ named ’ child , half worked with other special needs children or undertook general duties and 92 per cent said they also worked with normal children .
29 They spent all their time travelling round the British Isles , visiting auctions and antique shops , following hints and rumours , searching for more and more relics of their idols .
30 They spent all their time together , as country people do once they are engaged .
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