Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] he [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ian is OK — friendly and cheerful — but there 's something about Robert that makes me want to fight him all the time . ’
2 I tried getting him slimmer once as I thought it might help him to jump even better , but it did n't suit him .
3 I tried to catch him this morning , before we went to our appointments , but he would n't speak to me .
4 I promised to set him free . ’
5 I promised to tell him all about my murder when I 'd written it .
6 When he left I phoned to wish him all the best and he said , ‘ keep on picking people 's brains ’ . ’
7 Er and I say I want to come on the on the phone and I want to talk to James , I want to put him straight , I tell him that we 're not doing this and I want to tell him that we actually erm know that er the people will be concerned about us giving ourselves a huge pay rise .
8 I want to show him all the beautiful things trees , flowers and birds but most of all I want him to see his big sister , Katie . ’
9 No , and I had I er I had tried to appeal to him to be quiet , he said well I 've got to build this shed , I said well it do n't have to be during the night when other people are trying to sleep , he said well that 's up to them , and he started hammering again , while I was talking to him , and then I kept on and on and eventually , I think while I was talking to him I 'd kept him quiet while I was talking to him .
10 He 's er he 's saying that er the shifting of the ground 's political but I 'd to remember him that er , th it 's the council that 's doing their job , he 's not doing his job .
11 He were parked up there well every coalman I 've pulled him about this coke stuff and I 'd seen him other day and I pulled him , explained that I were going over on April first
12 I 'd seen him earlier that night , here at the house , behaving in a way that made me very anxious to find out what he was doing here on Moila . ’
13 I 'd called him Chinless Wonder on the same basis that regular enlisted men in the Army call Sandhurst graduates ‘ Ruperts ’ .
14 He was sure I was going to be sent to Siberia but I 'd given him all my film and all the pictures that I 'd taken already .
15 I 'd known him all my life .
16 Thereafter I never attacked Rowse 's political views in print , and , when I came to know him better , I no longer felt I had reason to do so .
17 I say I am bored , and that I hope to see him that evening .
18 I was favoured with your letter and should have been glad to embrace this opportunity of sending a packet of seeds to Dr. Manetti of Florence , but the season has been so cold that but few of them have ripened as yet , but if the next month proves favourable , I hope to send him some in November , if you have any opportunity to convey them .
19 Someone forgot to release him last night , ’ one of them shouted .
20 He said he could do that in a few minutes after getting to his office , and I arranged to ring him later in the morning .
21 How could I have believed him capable of kindness and compassion ?
22 Two out of the three instances ( " I don " t believe any of that … " ( p. 71 ) and " How could I have told him that ?
23 He looked rather pleased with himself so I decided to ask him one more question : ‘ What do we get from chickens ? ’
24 When I thought five minutes were up I decided to give him another five .
25 I decided to offer him some food .
26 Should I submit to keep him happy ?
27 ‘ Yesterday probably because the photos were n't in the house when I called to see him last night .
28 Everything goes as planned and I soon bully him into the landing net , and from there the hook is removed and he is slid into my big , knotless keepnet , where he can lie safe and recover while I try to catch him some company .
29 I keep telling him that .
30 I went to see him one evening and asked to borrow it . ’
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