Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] for the day " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've done my bit for the day . ’
2 ‘ But I had such a huge appetite , my quota for the day would be gone by breakfast and I 'd start on the following day 's allowance .
3 And most of all , could I complete my duties for the day without causing a major disturbance ?
4 ‘ Tracey-Elaine , ’ I mouthed , ‘ cancel my appointments for the day . ’
5 The group of councillors from across the political divide were selling appeal raffle tickets in Darlington town centre to show their support for the day centre .
6 She washed quickly , the water barely lukewarm , but the tepid water helped clear her muzzy head , and she began running through her plans for the day — if she kept herself busy she could avoid the drink .
7 She 's tried so hard to refuse payment from her aunties for the day 's outing , but has succeeded only in deflecting each one 's departing offer of a clandestine , crumpled tip .
8 So , with her thoughts intent upon her programme for the day , she did not immediately connect the two names .
9 He soon returned , however , to collect Eliza , who , despite her misgivings about leaving the baby , who had been poorly since their stay in Sydney , accompanied her husband for the day to sketch the living bird and plant specimens on Mosquito Island .
10 By 6.00 am everybody had assembled to get their orders for the day .
11 Their message for the day , which is today .
12 She left him there , and went to have a bath : dressed briskly , went downstairs to inspect the damage , had a coffee , looked at her list for the day .
13 Although reported that the A.A. crews had shot down a Ju88 , their claims for the day were for five Ju87s shot down , four probables and one damaged .
14 Before setting off they have to be briefed by the Intelligence Section on their tasks for the day , and the patrol leader has to report to the Operations Room for a study of his route .
15 Because it , it 's , it 's not particularly going to grab me because I 'm going to look at it and I 'm going to I 'm going to look down to see what it 's asking me do and certainly a busy news editor is looking down the line to see , and the first thing he 'll actually do is , is just have a , a very fast glance at it , find out what it 's about , and just make sure there 's someone who can be phoned , and what the news editor will do is actually throw it out into a pile of other handouts and there 's usually a journalist who 's , who 's who 's won first prize and their task for the day is to do all the handouts , and all you want to be sure of is that someone can make a phone call and the news editor wo n't , wo n't bother with any with any superfluous detail , all he 'd want to know is that somebody can be contacted , we 'll find out about it later .
16 We did n't discuss his plans for the day , only mine , and those I presume are hardly of interest to you . ’
17 James Menzies had locked up his warehouse for the day and come over in time to be included in the lengthening list .
18 Meantime , he reminded himself , since the entire company was now assembled , he had better be about sending off Father Boniface 's errand-boy to find Aldhelm at Upton among his sheep , and ask him to come down to the abbey when his work for the day was over , and pick out his shadowy Benedictine from among a number now complete .
19 His schedule for the day was organized , thanks to some brisk telephoning the night before , and he would have Catherine Crane at his side all day , and all the days until this case finished .
20 The Colonel runs through his diary for the day .
21 Diana , for her part , thought she would become a wife and mother ; but , with all the servants and secretaries who surrounded the Prince , including a valet who selected and prepared his clothes for the day , packed for him and even did his personal shopping , she felt superfluous , and just a little jealous .
22 Inside his , Anatoliy had his catch for the day , a couple of handfuls of little silver fish , still slithering , with red around the gills and streaks of gold abaft their fins .
23 And that 's our money for the day used up , if you count paying for the room .
24 When we arrived half an hour later , all the canoes were unloaded from the trailer and we were all kitted-out with a helmet and life-jacket and given our canoe for the day .
25 ‘ What are your plans for the day ? ’ he asked , preparing another mammoth sandwich for himself .
26 For a small supplement your home for the day could be Chef Boyers ' Les Crayeres , widely regarded as Frances ' greatest hotel where Chef/Patron Gerard Boyer , three star Michelin giant , has just been awarded , by Gault illau , the accolade of France 's top chef for 1992 .
27 George , our guide for the day , was unwilling to be drawn : ‘ It 's a good climb , but you see from the rings — it 's dangerous .
28 Subtract these calories from your total for the day and make up the rest from other meals .
29 Our quest for the Drus traverse began on the well-worn path from the station , our objective for the day the Charoupa refuge , magnificently situated at the top of the Charoupa rognon , in the awesome , rocky cwm below the south faces of the Drus and Aiguille Verte .
30 You 've had your theatre for the day . ’
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