Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] and [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But I can never go into my kitchen and cook for my husband .
2 so I slung my hook and went for a coffee .
3 I do like she says , and sit there with the damp towel round my neck and wait for her to come back .
4 I am fundamentally lazy and decided that we would inevitably be scrambled so it was less effort to remain in my aircraft and wait for it , helmet on and listening to the R T. The next thing I saw was people running — I still could not hear anything due to my helmet — and on looking round saw the 109s starting their dive on the field .
5 I was going to open it myself but changed my mind and went for Colebrooke . ’
6 ‘ You see , ’ he murmured , ‘ I wanted to believe it , so I could have an excuse to take what I wanted in a fury , instead of reaching out of my confusion and asking for what I wanted — ’
7 My hands left the gun hanging in mid-air above my knees and went for the catapult , which as always was hanging on my belt , the arm-rest stuck down between that and my cords .
8 I let silence be my reply and wait for him to continue .
9 I 'm going to telephone my parents and arrange for baths .
10 Still stroking my son 's forehead with my left hand , I reach out into the darkness with my right and fumble for the little clock on his bedside table .
11 I was discussing business contracts with my husband and waiting for a call from my own children who would rock with laughter if I prescribed a dose of warm camels ' milk and clove for a poor stomach and headache .
12 Gingerly , sweating , I curled my left hand behind my back and felt for the third arrow , and found it sticking out of my jersey though fairly loose in my hand .
13 I covered up my head and waited for it to strike , ’ he explained yesterday .
14 I was too busy holding on to the edge of my chair and waiting for him to rise twenty feet in the air .
15 I held my breath and waited for that savage tug ; and waited , and waited , and waited .
16 I dared not turn round now to look for a vehicle , but I held my breath and listened for one — there was only the sound of my rubber soles on the macadam and the noise of wind .
17 If you really want to foul up your entire life , take my advice and go for him , white dress , veil , the whole shtick . ’
18 I can begin to be a real father to my girls and prepare for the day when I 'll be a grandfather to their children .
19 I made my choice and went for it .
20 I wrote to Radio Four 's ‘ In Touch ’ programme , venting my frustrations and asking for like-minded people to contact me .
21 If I make a black man sweep up my trash , empty my dustbins , wash the vomit from my floor and kill for me in my imperialist wars … well , what do you think ?
22 Two days sitting in the plane and fifty bourbons later I had this young born-again advocate holding my hand and praying for me at the top of his voice .
23 I put on my coat and went for a long walk on the moor .
24 I prepared to collect the rest of my medicines and make for the hospital , when the policeman said to me , ‘ Excuse me , sir .
25 Returning to my dressing room , I removed my headdress and reached for a towel to dry my sweat-soaked hair — fighting with seven dwarfs under banks of spotlights is hot work .
26 I took my stationery and reported for duty there .
27 Lot number twenty eight Lot twenty eight er the white jade bottle there 's the bottle showing a hundred pounds for it , at one hundred pounds at a hundred pounds and ten , twenty one thirty one thirty offered and selling for one hundred and thirty , one forty one forty against you now one forty to my left and selling for one hundred and forty pounds second row , thank you , one forty and the next number is number two one eight , thank you .
28 Twenty pounds for it at twenty pounds at twenty pounds thank you , twenty is offered and selling for twenty pounds only , twenty five for you sir , thank you , twenty five , thirty thirty five thirty five to my left and selling for thirty five pounds yours sir , thank you , thirty five pounds for number eight four five , thank you very much .
29 Lot number thirty three Lot number thirty three is the hanging basket there 's the hanging basket showing , a hundred pounds for this , at one hundred pounds and ten twenty , thirty , forty , fifty sixty , seventy one eighty I 'm offered a hundred and eighty pounds , one ninety two hundred two twenty , two forty , two sixty eighty three hundred three hundred 's bid on my left and selling for three hundred pounds second row , three hundred pounds .
30 Ninety here now ninety five , a hundred pounds one hundred to my left and selling for one hundred all done at one hundred pounds .
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