Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [vb past] [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The murder had been ordered by Hendrique , for whom Kyle had been working during the last five years .
2 I knew my sons had been saying that of course Mum would cry — it was a dead cert !
3 I knew that when at last I was demobilised from the Waaf I would have to return to my peacetime occupation as a secretary in London , for the simple reason that my employers had been paying me my full salary all the time I had been in the Forces , that is , making up the difference between my Waaf pay and what I would have been earning with them .
4 I had not before realised that my canoe had been following me but I soon felt it as the point hit my back and then went down underneath me , dragging me down and sandwiching me between the canoe and the tree .
5 Then I found out my kids had been going into someone 's house and coming out with money .
6 • It was the year , too , when I decided my fish had been eating better than I had .
7 I will store the incident with the others ; this one feels like the straw my back had been waiting for .
8 We were allowed to live rent free in the gardener 's cottage , but the family allowance from the army was less than my father had been earning .
9 So it was obvious that my father had been thinking of this long before .
10 When I asked the headmistress of a junior school my daughter had been attending about the racist remarks children at the school had been making her answer was well-meaning and typical : ‘ Asking them to say thank you and please or asking them not to swear is one thing but asking them not to say ‘ nigger ’ or ‘ wog ’ or ‘ black people stink ’ is quite another .
11 Me and all my friends had been having this really great scuttle .
12 I would never try on something revealing like a swimming costume in a communal changing room , because when I was bigger I 'd be thinking everyone would be looking at the bulgy bits thinking how fat I was ( well , this is what I thought after I found out what my friends had been saying ) , and now I would feel too self-conscious because other girls would be thinking how skinny I look .
13 The expediter — ‘ Joy ’ — was the envoy of a client of mine : the Construction and Development Corporation of the Philippines ( CDCP ) , a local company my bank had been courting unsuccessfully for years .
14 One of my students had been using the machine and she had n't been knitting tuck , so the tuck brushes had been put out of work .
15 Cos me and my brother had been working on wagon again .
16 Before the operation my speech had been getting more slurred , so that only people who knew me well could understand me .
17 Donna saw the exhibit her sister had been looking at and crossed to it .
18 Her heart had been beating fast and her hands were shaking , but as he kissed her and his body pressed close against hers , the length of his body hard against hers , those signs of fear gradually ceased and she grew weak and curiously fluid in his arms .
19 Her heart had been beating painfully fast , and now she became aware of the rapid pulse in Travis 's neck where her cheek rested against it .
20 Ludens saw , on top of a closed suitcase in a corner , the curious light-brown cap which Marcus had been wearing when Ludens had seen him first , through the window of Red Cottage .
21 Their shells had been passing over our positions from time to time all day , with a loud rush that sometimes appeared to shake the trees .
22 The Dean crowd and their successors had been smoking as a regular habit ten years earlier but only now , at the height of the Vietnam crisis , when the futility of the war was beginning to dawn with the return of disillusioned young soldiers prepared at last to tell the truth , were drugs beginning to appear on the American campus scene and in London streets in any volume .
23 His wife Ann-Marie Turnpenny , of Sheerwater Avenue , Darlington , said their marriage had been going through a difficult period .
24 He lay on his side , holding the covers over him by their edges , gazing at some of his copies of Vogue , which Tessa had been looking through and left lying on the carpet in front of the fire , where they glowed pink and red .
25 Oh , crumbs , Leith thought , and , while knowing Rosemary to be a highly intelligent girl , had a most worrying feeling that her parents had been putting some hard groundwork in on the proposition that , once married , women were n't supposed to have friends !
26 Their parents had been debating what to do with them , whether to send them abroad or to secretarial school in London .
27 As soon as Fiver had found a place to clamber out , he led the way along the edge to the bank which Hazel had been looking at before Hawkbit spoke to him .
28 This powerfully confirmed the way in which Tolkien had been accustoming himself to think about the world ever since he grew to manhood .
29 The Princess of Wales once told me that her husband had been watching the Miss World contest , which quite surprised me .
30 Her husband had been serving in the British Merchant Navy on the Russian Convoy run but after 1943 he was receiving psychiatric treatment in Shropshire somewhere for his nerves .
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