Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Western Wolf , on whom Cauthen won over the course last month , should follow up , but faces several threatening rivals , notably Single .
2 These ‘ five techniques ’ ( requiring prisoners to wear hoods over their heads unless they were separated from other inmates or being interrogated , having them stand spreadeagled against a wall for up to 43 hours , depriving them of sleep , subjecting them to electronic noise and beating them ) were subsequently condemned as ‘ torture ’ by the European Rights Commission ( Hewitt , 1982:157–8 ) .
3 , Benjamin Wills ( 1807–1899 ) , Plymouth Brother , was born in Devonport , Plymouth , 12 December 1807 , the only child of Quaker parents , Benjamin Newton , a draper of Plymouth dock who died ten days before the birth of his son , and his widow Anna , a daughter of Roger Treffry of Lostwithiel , with whom Newton lived until the age of twelve .
4 One ex-sailor whom Minton met at the Mandrake was Joshua ( ‘ Mike ’ ) Avery , then just embarking on his discovery of Soho and sharing a room with Daniel Farson .
5 An insight into his state is provided by Michael Wishart , now married to the painter Anne Dunn and living in a studio in Paris , and whom Minton visited in the autumn of 1953 .
6 Among the modern pictures are ‘ Guitare et journal ’ by Picasso of 1914 ( est. $3–4 million ) , formerly in the collection of the dancer Massine , with whom Picasso collaborated on a number of theatrical productions , and purchased by Rodgers from E.V .
7 Oswald , whom Bede regarded as the fifth overlord of the peoples south of the Humber and described as ruling within the same bounds as Eadwine ( HE 11 , 5 ) , clearly became on this testimony as powerful a ruler as Eadwine had been , but on his accession he faced an immediate challenge in midland and eastern England from Penda .
8 When my sons went to the village school there was respect and they knew that they could not ‘ nannick ’ about in school , even if they did while on the way there .
9 ‘ For two years me and my sons walked along the towpath and park searching for a zip or the buckle of Brian 's belt , anything that would help . ’
10 My stomach contracted and my heart went into a somersault .
11 My heart froze for a second , as if I had put on an elaborate disguise and suddenly been addressed by name — I did n't feel safe any more .
12 My heart sank at the prospect of yet again missing the top in the thick fog , but we had a great treat in store .
13 My heart leapt off the bedroom
14 My heart leapt like a lift for joy .
15 My heart rose to a tidal detonation ;
16 Later we were to have several talks , but when I first arrived sick and ill and my GP went through the diagnosis , his greatest concern was to get me into the hands of a good specialist which he did with the utmost speed .
17 He used to be a crane driver dear for , yeah he used and I 've got to , one of me sons now is a foreman for , well they 're not now it 's , it 's sort of amal amalgamated with another firm now I think , but he does , he does erm , he 's a foreman like now , he used to be a truck , crane driver and my , the very night that my hubby died on the following Monday he would of been working in Harlow , he got a new crane to take over in Harlow and he 'd been working away from home for weeks and months of the year always away , coming home weekends and I used to have to cook and do his washing and pack him up for going off again Monday morning early , but he never was near home working then , and as I say the night before he went he was , he was gon na work on the Monday to in Old , to Harlow down where the new er place was for and it unfortunately cos he went .
18 My chest ached with a child 's fear while I cringed in the deeply recessed doorway of North Three .
19 Bought my Paradise Lost in a second hand book and I ga , shop , and I gave it to Marion .
20 My foot went on the
21 Such is the power of suggestion that that night as I neared the top of the staircase , my foot stumbled on the last step but one .
22 Down below , Quigley shouted goodnight at me and I shouted back , and , at last , my mum tiptoed to the door and , looking fearfully around her in case Quigley saw , blew me a little , damp kiss .
23 my mum went to a fortune teller and , and I had there like tears running Oh !
24 I think you 'll find , I do n't know whether it is but mum , my mum went to a car boot sale once and they were n't selling nothing over ten pounds , so the car boot sales
25 My mum went to a karaoke last night .
26 My mum went to the doctor and says to the doctor .
27 We went to Welsh Hanson first erm my mum went as a volunteer , er a voluntary helper to eight children in charge of eight children .
28 and my fingers broke with the speed
29 For a while , my route flirted with the border and after some easy going across the Severn Valley , I took to the hills again , following a roman road over Long Mountain .
30 In Brighton , the worst place for magic , my sister went to a theatrical costumier .
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