Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [coord] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ That money is for my future and for the future of my little girl ! ’
2 I do not shirk any responsibility in this matter , nor do I shirk any responsibility for the actions taken by my officials or for the way in which the Parliamentary Under-Secretary handled the case .
3 A petite , pleasant-faced doxy , however , caught my eye and for a few hours I became old Shallot again , whiling away the time , telling the most outrageous stories and making her laugh both in the taproom and on her feather-filled mattress in the chamber above .
4 Whoever cares for his own safety is lost ; but if a man will let himself be lost for my sake and for the Gospel that man is safe ( Mark 8:35 ) .
5 The start that has been made in Shrewsbury , however , is extremely encouraging for my constituency and for the people of Shropshire in general .
6 There is an objectivity behind the subjectivity of our preferences which entitles you to recommend to me a dish which you do not choose yourself and which I have hitherto been repelled by , but may come to like if I can forget my prejudices and for the first time attend closely to the flavour .
7 ‘ It took seven months to settle the claim for the car and well over a year to sort out compensation for both my injuries and for the inconvenience , ’ says Otis .
8 My mind was n't on my driving and for the first time I almost collided with another taxi .
9 ‘ When I succeed I will do so for me , for my family and for the people of Britain . ’
10 In my judgment and for the reasons which I have given , the challenge based upon the implication of a requirement of natural justice must fail .
11 The affair was also seized on by opposition politicians as an opportunity to highlight the government 's incompetence and to call for its resignation and for an early general election , in the run-up to the regional elections due in March .
12 When Ramond de Carbonnières came to Campan , in the later eighteenth century , he saw it as an Arcadia , both for the excellence of its pasture and for the independent spirit of its peasantry , whose self-sufficiency seemed a model to this fundamentally democratic man .
13 On his saint 's day she summons him into her inmost boudoir , dismisses her girls , permits him to braid her hair and for a moment to fondle her breasts .
14 It has been held by the European Court of Human Rights that freedom of expression ( Article 10 ) constitutes one of the essential foundations of democratic society , one of the basic conditions for its progress and for the development of every man ( judgment of the Court of 7 December 1976 , Handyside Case , Series A , No.24 ) .
15 It has observed : " Freedom of expression constitutes one of the essential foundations of a society , one of the basic conditions for its progress and for the development of every man .
16 The HDI was widely criticized for its complexity and for a system of weighting data which gave the United States the lowest HDI of any developed country ( owing to its high illiteracy rate ) .
17 He lay at her side and for a long while he did n't speak .
18 So you can go ahead with your Malawis , but bear in mind that you 'll need extra tanks for their fry and for the Julie fry ( you need to remove these at about 1″ — carefully and gradually , to avoid parental upsets ) .
19 He met her eyes and for a second time ; she smiled her shy smile at him , but his swimming head filled it with invitations .
20 His parents had neglected this aspect of his upbringing , having largely abandoned their religion but for a few outer forms before he was born .
21 Which , Dorothea had often thought , they probably were , and really , she had half-envied Alida , not for her independence but for the responsibility she had , and for the pride and satisfaction she was entitled to feel in her work .
22 All this currying and caring for the body , for its clothing and for the marriage room went on day after day until the wedding night finally arrived .
23 A child in a Hindu family is generally an object of love and joy not only for its parents but for every member of the family .
24 A strong hand stayed her fall and for a brief instant she was flung against Fen 's chest , his heartbeat quite audible as her breathing seemed suspended .
25 She looked at the telephone on her desk and for a minute was tempted to pick it up and ask for David Fairfax 's number .
26 On the anniversary of the murder , the Dixon family have said — for the sake of their parents and for the sake of a civilised society — please help catch the killer .
27 Demonstrations of up to 100,000 people before the elections were accompanied by calls from the Azerbaijani People 's Front for their boycott and for a general strike .
28 country in Europe so they think they 're going to be testing their weapons and for the
29 Perkin , on her other side , murmured something to get her attention and for a while I watched Tremayne make the best of our table having been graced by the sponsor 's wife , a gushing froth of a lady in unbecoming lemon .
30 She scooped up Victoria , ignoring her protests but for a quick kiss , and dropped her into her cot , gesturing Melanie to lie down .
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