Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Here , where it cut the highway , the steep bank of the river would give them protection from the full force of the hurricane .
2 It should acknowledge that there are conflicts between critical approaches , and should make the students ' confrontation of them part of the pedagogic process .
3 Play another sound effect — perhaps a door opening , keys jangling , a car moving off , a bomb exploding , or a dog barking — and it becomes difficult not to link the two sounds together and make them part of the same story .
4 Pimlico was shown to be comparatively resistant to clamping , as were Mayfair , Soho and Knightsbridge , all of them part of the original clamping area .
5 ‘ It 's bad luck for all them blokes in the other counties what never ‘ ad Sandham and the rest to ‘ elp ‘ em , ’ commented the Van Boy .
6 I hate doing that , drives me up the wall the first bit cos I 've got all them houses in the first bit have n't I ?
7 For these stories plus the rest of the news , join me Ben for the extended bulletin at five on Trent F M.
8 Their dossiers should be kept complete , as complete as those of my friends to whom copies of the present missive have been sent .
9 If your library does not participate in the work of the SUC , or if you are currently considering automation and would like advice on automated input , tape compatibility , etc. , please contact Eileen Watson , the Editor of the SUC at Lending Services , from whom copies of the full results of the questionnaire survey can also be obtained .
10 Field work to acquire the specimens that I drew took me scuba-diving in the warm , subtropical waters of Natal and Zululand and braving seasickness on a research ship off the Transkei coast .
11 Was there a secret reason that made them hanker for a new life in a new world ?
12 While he was at college , he got a Saturday job with Austin Reed , the men 's outfitters , ‘ which gave me experience of a real shop-floor environment — right at the front line of customer service .
13 To become an agent , these social secretaries simply have to reverse their roles with the agents who have been selling them acts for the previous few years .
14 Swindle was too crude , for if the plan worked , no one would lose a penny ; all that would have happened was that a few banks would inadvertently have lent them money for an undefined period .
15 Baldwin showed them some of the curiosities of the house and gave them tea in the Long Gallery , which lie described with more pride than accuracy as ‘ the finest room in England ’ .
16 The English kings , however , were unlikely to be willing to relinquish a part of their inheritance which brought them revenue in the early fourteenth century of about £13,000 a year , and whose subjects accepted English rule .
17 You 're whippin' it round between me legs like a bloody Red Indian .
18 Digital watches work because a small sliver of quartz inside them pulses at a rhythmic and unchanging frequency , which is stimulated by energy from the battery .
19 What is beyond dispute is that the portfolio valuations benefited on two counts : firstly through translation of foreign share holdings into sterling at more advantageous rates , and secondly through the appreciation of the shares of those companies whose large overseas involvement made them beneficiaries of a lower pound .
20 After excluding children for whom data on the continuous variables were missing 5573 ( 63.3% ) were available for analysis of respiratory illness by birth weight and duration of pregnancy .
21 The drunken porter allowing them entrance after the usual altercation .
22 ‘ About time someone put down them niggers like the mad dogs they are , ’ someone cried , raising a laugh from his rescuers .
23 In common with any other community , the Deaf Community has had its share of people who have performed deeds of bravery that earned them recognition from the appropriate authorities .
24 The following day it gained me entrance to the main gate of the embassy .
25 Israeli security forces carried out a series of raids in the West Bank on Jan. 22 resulting in the arrest of at least 60 Palestinians , most of them supporters of the radical Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine ( PFLP ) .
26 The second place is that probably one of the reasons that physicians feel threatened by these kind of laws is that , without the law , I can cruise along and maintain my patients ' comfort and my sanity to the best of my ability .
27 In competition it is to my advantage to feel for others as little as possible , an advantage which outweighs my dread of a growing isolation .
28 This experience deepened my dread of the five fillings which awaited me .
29 As an Englishman I express my subordination to the political authority under which I live by paying a certain fraction of my money income to the appropriate official .
30 ‘ After that I told Sir Alfred of my plans for a monocoque car for the next season , and got a sour letter back saying we had to win another grand prix before we talked about anything .
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