Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [art] [num ord] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Listen to what happened to me , ’ I said , and I told my story a third time .
2 But do n't go counting on my mercifulness a second time .
3 It is to my knowledge the first time that an ‘ in-depth ’ feature has been written about their service with the RAF and brought back many poignant memories for me for I was , to quote your September issue , ‘ one of the batch of National Service gunners posted to RAF Coningsby ’ .
4 You 're not going to mess up my life a second time , though , Julius .
5 He said : ‘ She even shook my hand a second time after I told her I had full-blown AIDS . ’
6 Where there is strong evidence of guilt , defendants given the benefit of the doubt by a jury in a criminal trial will be reluctant to chance their luck a second time by bringing a libel action .
7 ‘ Some residents who were moved after the last round of home closures are now faced with losing their homes a second time , ’ said Mr Common .
8 In the year I had skippered Wavebreaker at least half of our married male charterers had either offered Ellen a job or pressed her to visit their offices the next time she passed through their city .
9 She went out and put her hand up to her brow a second time , searching the meadows more thoroughly this time .
10 ‘ Stop frowning , ’ he ordered , kissing her brow a second time , ‘ and smile . ’
11 ‘ Shildon , ’ he said , relishing hearing her surprise a second time .
12 I 'm bound to say that they failed to learn from their own history after nineteen-eighteen , so that they did in effect repeat erm their history a second time with disastrous consequences for everybody .
13 I did n't advertise for a partner but I went to the single 's and divorcee club and met my second husband and its magic the second time around .
14 Laughing , Maggie kissed her mother a second time , and then kissed her dad .
15 Laura twisted her heel a second time .
16 Yanto went on to tell Billy about his experience the last time he had used Selwyn 's lavatory .
17 He was run off his legs the last time and he had only just been paid for the quarter . ’
18 I imagined Perkin threading along that trail at night , following the paint quite easily as he 'd been that way already in daylight , and being secretly pleased with himself because if he had inadvertently left any traces of his passage the first time they could be explained away naturally by the second .
19 Placement support which at the least minimised the chances that the ex-patient would be evicted from his home or sacked from his job the first time a problem occurred would seem essential .
20 He was downstairs before she could call his name a second time .
21 Then Rob Thomas spoke his name a third time and he was back in the world .
22 Hawkins shook his head a second time and went out to start the day 's work .
23 Howard waved his hand a third time before speaking his mind .
24 She did not speak when he raised his eyebrows the second time , so in went onions , mustard and ketchup .
25 He pulled up his roots a second time and moved to another new land , Germany , where during the twelve years that were left to him he accomplished a ‘ ballet miracle ’ , building not merely a repertory and a company in Stuttgart , but a whole new public attitude that affected other theatres throughout the country .
26 Ah I think it 's when Martin and I were taking a top up on our mortgage the last time erm the building society suggested we took the policy out with you .
27 You 'd better clear that with your nan the next time we see her .
28 He 'd got your number the first time we met .
29 If you can manage that , and , come out with the right answer , then there 's a pretty good chance you 'll have a smirk on your face the next time the heavens open .
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