Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [prep] their first " in BNC.

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1 But to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear yours , to be mingling identities with you as it were , — the vision-wearing fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but hope never dared whisper a promise .
2 To live in a beautiful country & to inure myself as much as possible to the labors of the field , have been for this year past my dream of the day , my Sigh at midnight — but to enjoy these blessings near you , to see you daily , to tell you all my thoughts in their first birth , and to hear your 's , to be mingling identities with you , as it were ; — the vision-weaving Fancy has indeed often pictured such things , but Hope never dared whisper a promise ! ’
3 For example , as a teacher I assume the right to call my students by their first names ; they have to ask me if it 's permissible to use mine .
4 If you compare it with other departments , if you talk to people who do English and stuff , and they know all their tutors by their first names ; I mean , it 's nothing like that here , it 's all Dr So-and-So — I mean , half the lecturers , I did n't even know what their second names were , let alone their first names — maybe that 's just a result of physics , nothing to do with them .
5 She was happy enough , however , to return to her own frame house , built by her husband after their first five bitter years spent living in a sod hut .
6 We also asked the patients their age at their first sexual intercourse and their lifetime number of sexual partners .
7 Honeymoon cystitis , with its descriptive and emotive label , is badly named , because it by no means restricts itself to married couples on honeymoon , whatever small proportion of such couples , these days , wait until their honeymoon for their first sexual experience together .
8 The choir , funded by Hampshire County Council , proved their potential at their first concert in December and have now several other events planned including concerts in Southampton Guildhall and Winchester Cathedral .
9 For those with no knowledge of Russian , there is an intensive beginners ' course , known as Russian 1A1/1A2 , with a total of eight to nine contact hours weekly , which allows students to spend two-thirds of their time in their first year on Russian .
10 In Diner Mickey Rourke bets his buddies that the sophisticated lady will hold his penis on their first date .
11 He had three months to train and equip his force before their first operation in November .
12 SOUTH AFRICAN captain Kepler Wessels yesterday led his team to their first Test victory since 1970 .
13 I look at his contribution to their first working session .
14 Since then he has won the Masters , inspired his country to their first Davis Cup victory and added the US Open to a third Wimbledon title .
15 But for as little as £30 a month ( your child benefit should take care of that ) , you could be presenting your child with their first car or some solid help towards their first home .
16 Tarvie trout fight like fury and are beautifully marked with bright red spots ; and in this delightful little loch there are some excellent fish which can almost pull the rod from your hand in their first mad rush .
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