Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] could [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 and my Lord the my Lord you 'll see at the bottom of page sixty nine , this is the latest edition just published this summer my Lord , erm at the bottom of page sixty nine you have an extract from the European community treaty which er defines a directive and you will see my Lord says in terms that it leaves to the national authorities the choice of forms the methods , and then if my Lord could read the passage er under that on page seventy
2 ‘ No , but my mother could see the presents the djinn brought her . ’
3 For sure Cabinets were made and unmade on the floor of the House , but the Cabinet for its part could unmake the House of Commons because it enjoyed the right to ask for a dissolution and after the election it could look for support from amongst members in a new House of Commons .
4 If evolutionary studies provided a vertical dimension within which objects could signify the development of societies , this was complemented by the growth of diffusionary studies in which the horizontal distribution of objects over the globe was thought to be further evidence for the movements of both peoples and ideas , for example , from origins in ancient Egypt or Germany .
5 They had strong enclosing walls , round corner towers with firing slits from which defenders could command the outer walls .
6 Sure enough , her eyes could see the faint satiny gleam of his bronze skin .
7 If he genuinely felt her designs could form the basis for a new range to lift the company 's fortunes ?
8 Other mechanisms must have played a part and their inclusion could alter the best-fit climate sensitivities significantly and lead to improved values for the explained variance .
9 Exposure to hostile action by host governments might be substantially increased if the host governments believed that their nationals could run the plants .
10 In common with most of his contemporaries , he comprehended few methods by which governments could affect the total of demand .
11 The horror of the memory made it all too easy to choke and scream , but to her relief her performance was cut short in seconds as the door burst open , the light snapped on and she was in Penry 's arms , held close to his chest , and so glad to be there that not even her guilt could mar the joy of the moment .
12 Only the windows had been modernized , with the old , many-paned windows replaced with blank sheets of glass through which Anna could see the inhabitants , burrowed deep in the comfortable fusty layers of their living-rooms , mindlessly absorbed in the relentless quacking of the television set .
13 He was kissing her hungrily , then he lifted her off her feet and carried her to the water 's edge , resting her on the sand so that their bodies could feel the gentle ebb and fall of the sea against them .
14 The efficacy with which Bush could authorize the use of force against Iraq without the support of Congress was an area of uncertainty — arising from the disputed constitutionality of the 1973 War Powers Act — which stalked the Bush administration in the run-up to the Jan. 15 deadline .
15 Mike goes ‘ almost nowhere ’ without his telephone ; its absence could mean the loss of an assignment but more than that — the loss of an opportunity .
16 providing a platform , either on the north side of the running lines or on the south side ( from which passengers could reach the stadium by way of Roseburn Street ) to accommodate a shuttle service from Haymarket or Waverley .
17 Filled with a restless , fevered energy that set every nerve twangling and pumped her blood full of adrenalin , Evelyn threw herself into her work as if the sheer force of her will could drive the hands of the clock round more swiftly .
18 In certain European countries , however , notably England and Holland , the freedom with which scholars could defend the Copernican system stands in striking contrast with the repression faced by Galileo .
19 Its success could affect the outcome of the Unix-on-the-desktop movement on which the fortunes of so many more prominent firms in the industry now hang .
20 The question then would be how unions assessed the costs and benefits and whether they would want to pressure management to bear this cost in order that their members could enjoy the benefit of higher job satisfaction — possibly at the expense of their receiving lower wages .
21 The cairn was erected in the 1870s by the local gamekeeper and named after him : it stands twelve feet high with an interior providing shelter , and occupies a vantage point from which Josse could survey the whole of his domain .
22 Mr. Pannick submits that the only justification for section 9(4) in terms of the Convention is that it is addressed to avoiding prejudice to the sovereignty of the Crown since the states party to the Convention can never have contemplated that one of their number could limit the scope of its own obligations simply by refraining from giving the judiciary power to execute letters of request in particular circumstances .
23 He was among four MPs and a group of councillors who went to ask the government for more money.Education in the county they say will be hit because the council needs to cut thirteen million pounds from its budget.This could mean the loss of 250 teachers .
24 ( b ) Its laws could regulate the activities of anyone , anywhere .
25 Her remarks could ease the way for Mr Lawson 's speech to the conference on Thursday .
26 They both knew that nothing between them was diminished , their affection could stand the disappointment of their hoped-for treat .
27 Gum shields are one thing ( having rattled my teeth on many a South African hard field in bygone days , and having been bitten more than once in scrums , I wish they had appeared long ago ) , but shoulder pads are entirely different and their acceptance could change the game for the worse , in my opinion .
28 One of the prettiest of this troupe was Bella Pilling ; she was thrilled that her mother could buy the movie magazines that featured numerous publicity shots of the troupe .
29 This includes the upgrading of the central area , its architectural and civic ( ? ) pretensions , the presence of possible public buildings , the provision of urban-core defences and the existence of several intra-mural houses and local villas whose owners could form the core of the local council .
30 In front of him Holly could see the expanse of the snow-draped camp .
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