Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He said , ‘ You understand that in my capacity as stage manager it 's my job not only to train you in your chosen career but to guide you in other respects . ’
2 I hope you will agree that in these two instances I have cited from his career — both of which I have had corroborated and believe to be accurate — my father not only manifests , but comes close to being the personification itself , of what the Hayes Society terms ‘ dignity in keeping with his position ’ .
3 Thirdly , although its intention is to encourage depth it can end up as being rather superficial , and indeed possibly dangerous , in failing to be aware of the pitfalls into which meditation not properly understood can fall .
4 While such simple dichotomies are misleading — all categories of music live in the world of capitalist cultural production , while none can be entirely reduced to it , and a more accurate picture is of a spectrum of possibilities marked by internal conflict — their existence not only confirms the influence of the critique of mass culture in musical practice and popular consciousness , it also indicates that within the premises of such a critique , Adorno draws the net too tightly .
5 From the 1880s the regime made plain its determination not only to halt any further movement in the direction of public participation but in some respects to reverse the reforms of the 1860s .
6 Also , being of royal descent from the House of Aragon , her marriage not only demonstrated to all that Rodrigo stood in high favour with the King , but also helped heal the breach between Castile and Leon .
7 Her work not only made this possible within her own north London neighbourhood , but , more significantly , it acted as a beacon for the extension of such opportunities for women on a national basis .
8 The publication in January 1957 of a triple number of Les Temps modernes , in which Sartre not only condemned Soviet intervention in Hugary , but also located the source of Soviet repression as those elements of the Soviet leadership which continued to resist destalinisation , marked a sudden , bitter disenchantment with the Soviet experiment and the PCF .
9 They are frequently semi-derelict , insanitary and damp and their restoration not only contributes to the renewal of the local housing stock but provides employment for local builders and traders .
10 The period of separation from her husband not only gives her an opportunity for physical recuperation , but also gives the couple a chance to relate to each other in a non-physical way .
11 Throughout their range black iguanas are hunted for the pot ; their meat not only tastes good , but is also reputed to cure impotency .
12 It accounts for the way in which goods not merely reflect distinction , but are an instrument of it .
13 Sally quite enjoyed the visits but Paula had no patience for making conversation with Gran , who tended to have very old-fashioned , dyed-in-the-wool ideas and was easily shocked , and she hated having to eat her way through the ham salad and bread and butter , Victoria sponge and tinned fruit and cream which Gran not only laid on but also piled high on her plate because she thought Paula much too thin .
14 As infants grow , their bodies not only enlarge but change both in shape and colour .
15 Why had her father not yet bought or won her freedom ?
16 He also refers to Johnson 's condemnation in 1760 of the fashion for defaming and decrying the House of Stuart ; and he reports a violent argument between Johnson and a Whig called Taylor , during which Johnson not only insisted that the Stuarts owned the true right to the throne of England , but that people disliked the Hanoverians ( as Johnson himself did ) and were so disaffected by them that they had generally lost interest in the monarchy altogether .
17 One local authority in tackling the problem of odour nuisance from maggot farms in their area not only insisted on the installation of catalytic incineration equipment but on disposal of the sawdust waste , which still contained some maggots after sieving , by bagging and subsequent incineration in the municipal incinerator , instead of burying the waste as had been done previously .
18 What we 've , so what it means is we have to make it clear to those people who are authorised to sign off invoices that their signature not only authorises accounts to pay it but also signifies that the delivery has been checked and is erm , is adequate .
19 A team works hard and plays hard , ie its members not only achieve challenging objectives but enjoy themselves as they do so .
20 Chief among them , and born of the group 's increasing feeling that they stood far something , embattled against a hostile world , was their tendency not only to see merit where none existed ( in the poetry of Fox , for example ) , but actually to think that belonging to the group — which began at around this period to be known as the Inklings — was in itself a sort of merit .
21 Her clothes not only have to be smart but very carefully chosen because anything fussily frilled , checked or highly patterned tends to look too busy on the small screen .
22 Their ability not only to begin to understand the nature of their alienation but to learn to do something about it is also enhanced by the development of automation .
23 As we came upon the moving picture with its ability not only to entertain us but also to analyse what we could not easily see with the unaided eye , we began to recognize that we had new tools for discovery ; we now knew exactly how a horse used its feet in galloping , what an explosion was like in slow motion , what a street looked like to the condensed eye of the time-lapse camera .
24 ‘ One of our pilots , Bill Topper , who I am glad to see is with us today , took part in this raid tells how he was able to listen to the crew of a Lancaster chatting away on their intercom as the RT transmit button was down , I understand their conversation not only included details of their local pub , but the name of the target ahead .
25 ‘ Your wife is Guy 's sister ? ’ asked Isabel , in her curiosity not even noticing that she had used fitzAlan 's given name .
26 Candidates in local elections can expect their followers not only to vote for them but to campaign for them as well .
27 If you feel a client is talking crudely , you hake not yet come to terms with your own feeling that there is something crude about sex .
28 For a while he simply looked , tracing the subtle curves of her body , his fingers not quite touching the surface of her flesh .
29 Outlining his " America First " platform , Buchanan stated his intention not merely to challenge Bush , but to transform the political debate surrounding his party 's choice of nominee .
30 Indeed his work not only provided an answer to that particular problem , but gave a complete theory of a whole class of related problems .
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