Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] not [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The fact that the claim is made in third party proceedings in the context of a denial by the third defendant that he has conspired against the plaintiffs or defrauded them must not be allowed to conceal the fact that the claim for contribution from the third party necessarily asserts the contrary , albeit on a contingent basis .
2 Greece and Turkey will be asked to accept that the border between them must not be changed by force , and to agree to a set of ‘ confidence-building measures ’ — pull-backs from the border , inspectors on the ground , aerial reconnaissance — to help them trust each other .
3 In Sweden , it is claimed that nearly 10,000 lakes have such high concentrations of mercury that any fish caught in them should not be eaten .
4 The fact that ECGD may have instructed them should not be taken as an endorsement of their expertise , official or otherwise .
5 G. R.Shepherd , the Labour National Agent , wrote to local Labour Parties in March 1939 , warning them against close liaison with the Club : Since groups of the Left Book Club are not entitled to affiliation with constituency parties , joint political activities with them should not be entered into , especially when these are in the direction of a so-called " Popular Front " with any other political party .
6 Every Home has its own way of doing things , and yours may not be run exactly along these lines .
7 It 's just possible Mr Deputy Speaker , it 's just possible I may not be selected for all kinds of reasons but if I was selected it might at least give the people of that lovely part of the world the chance of having the referendum they never had over Maastricht because of the shameful way in which the Labour party was not willing to allow the people to have their say on that vital issue .
8 I have begun to sense that , despite the touching and the ‘ precious boy ’ , I may not be headed for the Dark where the soft , fat spiders watch and wait .
9 I may not be allowed to stay here , ’ the woman said .
10 I must not be misunderstood .
11 Yet I must not be understood to rely on any so-called growth dividend .
12 I must not be understood to be laying down a rule that in no case where a wife acts on her husband 's instructions and under his influence is it necessary to show that she has received independent advice .
13 He added that I must not be intimidated by his and Rozanov 's fluency ; I was really quite good .
14 It took me a long time to accept the fact that now I should not be killed — that I should be one of the survivors .
15 I should not be thrown around like luggage ! ’
16 According to court papers passed to the New York Post , Mr Boesky argued : ‘ I should not be forced … to incur further debt while [ Seema ] redecorates the marital estate and her penthouse apartment … and has personal expenses of almost $42,000 a month . ’
17 All my life , he wrote , I have been preparing myself for this moment , but if I have prepared myself correctly then it is so that when the moment came I should not be encumbered with the sensation of having waited for it all my life , for such a sensation , wrote Harsnet , is too heavy a burden for anyone to carry .
18 Perhaps sometime I 'll be able to devise a way round my official non-existence and apply for a gun myself , though even then , all things considered , I might not be granted a licence .
19 ‘ I had rather expected before I went that I might not be taken seriously as a woman .
20 ‘ I 'm here to get that treasure , ’ shouted Silver , ‘ and I 'll not be beaten by man or ghost !
21 Just one day when I 'll not be dictated to by this thing inside me .
22 I 'll not be treated as a damned security risk , ’ the Prime Minister had said to the Deputy Under Secretary .
23 But waving that ; I 'll not be affraid of old worn-out Rivals …
24 But it is easy to see what the sceptic will say at this point , quite apart from the implied oddity that there is a claim which I could not be justified in making but which another can be justified in making for me .
25 ‘ My business might be in a position where I could not be involved ’ , he warned .
26 The point is that if I could not be distinguished from others in some way , then the utterance ‘ It 's me ’ would be useless .
27 After all , I could not be punished for the death of Victor Frankenstein if he was not dead .
28 My father said I could not be received .
29 Though they were spoken for my benefit , I could not be assumed to share the same norms .
30 I could not be bled and have been dealt more than a hundred blows so that I got a thorough grinding . )
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