Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] not [be] but " in BNC.

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1 She should n't be but how else would she get home ?
2 Well no she should n't be but since going she just suddenly appeared did n't she ?
3 you might not be but I am
4 Right , what we 're now going to do is incorporate that dummy variable as the regressor in our model as an explanatory variable , so what 's going to happen is that that dummy variable is turned off , alright in the first part of the sample right up until the war that dummy variable 's going to be off , right so it has a value of zero , right , then in nineteen forty through to nineteen forty five it 's switched on and what it 's going to do is to pick up any differential effects , right , in the intercept between wartime and peacetime right , we 'll talk a little bit more , more about that in a second , we 're going to add it in as a regressor , right , because it only comes on during the wartime it will pick up any shift in the intercept , right , that occurs due to the war if there is one , of course there may not be but it 's quite likely that there , there may well be , so if you type Q to come out of the data processing environment , go back to the action menu and test estimate forecast okay at the dialog box just add D one to your list of explanatory variables , alright then press the end key , right , yeah we 're gon na use the full sample right , we gon na use O L S , right you have now estimated the model with this dummy variable now just to see what 's happened to those coefficients the er incoming elasticity was at nought point six is now doubled right to one point one four more importantly , right , its T ratio has jumped from one point eight five right to six point eight , as a result , we now say that the incoming elasticity , the income coefficients , right , the significant zero , it 's important to explain the textiles as such the er , we are now getting a very different estimate for our
5 It might not be but it 's the godalmighty truth , ’ he asserted so playfully back that the whole table laughed .
6 As he went to the net , he raised one finger in the air as if to acknowledge the banners that proclaimed him No 1 — he might not be but the way he played last night he could be again soon .
7 It could n't be but it was .
8 We could n't believe he could not be but the heart abnormalities were all there . ’
9 It ca n't be but fifty or eighty mile from here .
10 Er one question less than five percent it will not be but I do n't want to go and indeed I , for reasons that er David outlined , I ca n't go , ca n't be precise , but er it 's not something to get scared about .
11 No it 's just tha he wo n't be but he might be doing light jobs like say putting , putting up pictures in about two months er er
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