Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [vb infin] her the " in BNC.

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1 I should get her the ballet shoes cause it was a ballet dancing that would be very appropriate and I 'll get her some flowers .
2 I saw her and I , I be honest with you I hid , I be totally honest and I 'll tell her the same if I see her because I 've just found out then that they could n't do any more for me dad and I really did n't want to speak or see anybody and I sat in the canteen on my own , I just said to me mum , mum on the phone I said mum I need to do this on my own I said I 'm just gon na have a coffee in the cafeteria and I do n't know if you 've been in there but the cafeteria is all glass and she pulled up in a white van delivering something to the office , I thought oh no it 's Jenny she 's the last bleeding person I want there , I do n't mean that
3 ‘ Well , I 'll give her the other half-crown out of my pay . ’
4 And while she 's here , I 'll give her the instructions she 'll need to keep things running smoothly while I 'm away . ’
5 Devastated I may be , but I 'm damned if I 'll give her the satisfaction of hearing me beg for mercy .
6 Yeah well I 'll give her the fags , she can have the bloody fags .
7 He said , I 'll give her the message , I tell her that everything 's fine .
8 And er but then I thought , no I 'll give her the four .
9 Oh you can keep going though totally over the top I thought well Joseph 's was twelve ninety nine and Ben 's was fourteen nineteen ninety nine and that 's just tough that I 've got you know , I ca n't get Charlotte 's any cheaper than that , but , I mean they 're not gon na know how much I 've , they 're not gon na say well you 've got five pound more than what I have cos they 're not of that age so , that 's how I 've left it , that 's what I 'm gon na do , I 'll get her the circus and then they can swap them over and Joseph will be happy that he got something on wheels
10 If we came through with our memories intact , I 'd give her the concept for free .
11 I handed over my life 's savings and promised that I would give her the other nineteen and six before the year was up .
12 While you do it , I shall show her the studio . ’
13 But I shall give her the once over and deliver my inestimable verdict . ’
14 In addition , she knew that ours was the kind of show which would give her the right sort of outlet .
15 The tenant having died , his daughter sought to rely on the provisions which would give her the right to succeed to the statutory tenancy .
16 She says the Liberal Democrats came a close second last time and believes the mood on the ground is one of dissatisfaction with the Conservatives which will give her the swing needed to gain the seat .
17 MOUNTAIN adventurer Rebecca Stephens was yesterday thought to have set off on the final stage of a climb which will make her the first British women to reach the top of Everest .
18 You must be gentle with her , you must protect her all your lives , she 's your little sister , you must make her the apple of your eye .
19 I know she 's your twin , but that does n't mean you should give her the man you want .
20 ‘ Emma saw her in Bamford and asked her if she could send her the book to sign and Harriet said yes , of course .
21 Why , oh why , was n't it Harry who could offer her the life Pogo could give her ?
22 So d' you think you could tip her the wink an' tell her I 've got back early ?
23 She would persuade her the Alice was n't right for the band themselves , take just their equipment and get the money that way .
24 I it 's she will type it in as two , and then you will give her the next draft and then two and then the next draft and then two , I mean there 's no confusion there for her .
25 ‘ Speaking of Aunt Maureen , do n't you think we should give her the good news ? ’
26 Then we would tell her the same story , in the same words , like a folk-tale : the ride on the motorway , the meal in the restaurant , her going to sleep and waking up to see sheep on the Derbyshire hills .
27 They would call her The Little Nightingale . ’
28 She had a glass of gin in her hand , but she was not drinking it , just holding it as if it might offer her the cheer and support that she might not otherwise find elsewhere .
29 He could show her the house where he was born and the farm , and be proud now , because he was the big success come home , and the family and friends would be in awe of him .
30 Dolly tried to say it would be nice if he 'd give her the chance to tell him what she liked , but he was away again .
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