Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [vb infin] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them may involve social policies ; others may involve environmental policies on which we shall have to give ground during the next 10 , 15 or 20 years .
2 The three quarks inside a proton normally do not have enough energy to change into antielectrons , but very occasionally one of them may acquire sufficient energy to make the transition because the uncertainty principle means that the energy of the quarks inside the proton can not be fixed exactly .
3 The French education system has had many of the features now introduced into the British system for more than a century and studying them may shed some light on future possibilities for schooling in this country .
4 Indeed , one of them may get more information out of it than the author realised he was putting into it .
5 Hyphenating them may overcome this problem .
6 Despite the fact that neither the Model Code nor the Take-over Code have the force of law , they do represent important statements of commercial morality and at times breach of them may have legal consequences .
7 But much latelier , in the private academies of Italy , wither I was favoured to resort , perceiving that some trifles which I had in memory , composed at under twenty or thereabouts , for the manner is that everyone must give some proof of his wit a reading there , met with acceptance above what was looked for , and other things which I had shifted in scarcity of books and conveniences to patch up amongst them , were received with written incomience which the Italian is not forward to bestow on men of this side the Alps .
8 I mean I know there 's always an argument , especially here in Oxford , that people just come , look round the colleges and they 're gone again , but having said that some of them must spend some money .
9 She 'll want at least another three watch-keepers , and preferably two of them must understand celestial navigation .
10 Ahead of me was an elliptical circle of maybe twenty people , the combined ages of whom must have seventy score and ten .
11 He had decreed everyone should wear tartan shoes and since no-one had any , or could get any being stuck on the island , every pupil he met was punished for breaking the law .
12 But the government intends everyone should pay some amount .
13 Sort of everyone should be the same , everyone should have equal rights and equal erm opportunities .
14 Everyone should have equal protection by the law and the ability to appeal against local authority .
15 While we all think that everyone should have unlimited access to public areas , we have to live in the real world and accept that all sports and hobbies are controlled in some way or other .
16 that he thinks that erm of all of these forced motivations class interest is the most damaging and he argues there 's a remedy for this , we 'll see why it 's a remedy in a minute , that certain people ought to be given more than one vote so that although everyone should have some votes , not everyone should have the same number of votes .
17 The Detailed Spectrum Investigation process is intended to ensure that everyone should derive maximum benefit from the limited radio spectrum resource .
18 There 's a lesson here for the BBC or for any television organisation — and it 's important that everyone should get that lesson right .
19 They are the principle of equal liberty , assuring everyone equal measure of an enumerated list of basic liberties ( freedom of expression , religion , etc. ) and the difference principle according to which everyone should enjoy equal allocation of the other primary goods ( i.e. those desirable whatever one 's conception of the good may be , e.g. wealth , income , opportunities , status ) except in so far as deviation from strict equality would improve the prospects of the worst-off group in society .
20 Although there are girls who talk glibly of how they intend to reach the top of the women 's professional game by the age of 25 , and from there move on to marriage and a family , the Solheim Cup served as a salutary reminder that no-one should expect quick results .
21 SUBTERFUGE Newspapers and journalists serving them should use straightforward means to obtain information or pictures .
22 Applicants who consider that this exception may apply to them should seek detailed advice by writing to the Registry .
23 Applicants who consider that this exception may apply to them should seek detailed advice by writing to the Registry .
24 I wonder if I may offer some thoughts on this theme as I reflect on the situation facing Catholic Christians in our Church today .
25 If I may make one suggestion to the South Africans that is meant to be helpful , it is this : call on Bob Burrows , the ITV producer who was in charge of the Rugby World Cup in this country , and invite him to be your consultant .
26 Someday I may meet another mammoth .
27 Please can you tell me where I may purchase some dog 's tooth violets .
28 If he stims me much more , I know that I may seek such stimming again , however unwillingly .
29 Steve and I may see each other six times a week if we 're racing .
30 I may gain more acceptance .
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