Example sentences of "[pron] [modal v] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 3.8.1 pay and indemnify the Landlord against all fees charges and other payments whatever which may at any time be payable to any local or other competent authority in respect of the Tenant 's Works
2 His first impression was that somebody had started to construct a small harbour , but then he saw a shallow groove cut in the face of the cliff which must at one time have accommodated a pipe , and it occurred to him that it had probably been a sewage outfall .
3 But Douglas , concerned about numbers , was against any diminution of their main assembly which might at any time be faced with confronting Balliol 's entire army .
4 Subsequently A finds the original certificate and , either because he has forgotten about the sale to B or because he is a rogue , then purports to sell the shares to C. The company will rightly refuse to register C whose only remedy will be against A ( who may by this time be a man-of-straw ) unless he can successfully invoke against the company the so-called doctrine of estoppel by share certificate .
5 You may at any time cancel this policy by giving us seven days notice in writing and returning to us your certificate of motor insurance.h Then we will calculate the charge for the expired portion of your insurance , using our short period rates , to the date we receive your certificate and refund any amount due to you .
6 You may at any time cancel this policy by giving us seven days notice in writing .
7 You may at any time cancel this policy by giving us 7 days notice in writing and sending back your certificate of motor insurance .
8 You may at any time cancel this policy by giving us 7 days notice in writing and sending back your certificate of motor insurance .
9 You may at any time cancel this policy by giving us 7 days notice in writing and sending back your certificate of motor insurance .
10 You may at any time cancel this policy by giving us 7 days notice in writing and sending back your certificate of motor insurance .
11 More psychologists were brought in to assess Mr X , who must by this time have been suffering from IQ test overkill .
12 The wife had then deserted the husband and was temporarily wrongfully away from home ; but she might at any time return .
13 You might in good time like to write a pop-psychology book under that title ?
14 The term ‘ annunciation ‘ ( announcement ) is that given to the message presented by the angel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin Mary that she would in due time be delivered of the Son of God , and the festival commemorating this — Lady Day — has the date 25 March .
15 I travelled up from Kings Cross with Sidney , Daryl Bligh of the Graphic , K. B. D. Clarke of the Times , ‘ Tibby ’ Tisdale of the News , Stanford Roberts , of course , and I think we had Norton Malley with us , who would at that time I suppose have been on the Morning Post , though he later went back to the Irish Times .
16 Where this is the case , it is the teacher 's responsibility to present the best case she can for more time to those who devise her timetable .
17 Remember , you can at any time exchange our equipment for the latest models as soon as they become available .
18 You can at any time , if you have the security level , add a field to a form or delete fields from a form .
19 The price of ten shillings for a flight was two days ' pay for my father , so our pleasure was to watch and munch on salmon and cucumber sandwiches , never ever thinking that we might at some time aspire to those heights .
20 There is also a yard where one could at one time sit and look at the adjacent buildings through the barbed wire .
21 In the case of the ‘ ordinary ’ person it may just be pleasant to record what has happened each day so that one can at some time in the future spend a nostalgic hour looking back on times past .
22 Whatever its origin , however , there will at any time be some such ratio which banks will wish to observe .
23 Moreover , it may at any time be varied or revoked by an ordinary resolution even if that involves an alteration of the articles .
24 I determined that it should not happen again and it seemed impossible that it should for this time I should carry with me the foundation of happiness which I had found behind the wire .
25 The agreement provided that the piano would become the property of the customer on payment of all the instalments of rent but that he could at any time before then terminate the hiring by returning the piano to the dealer .
26 He could at any time have obtained for himself the beneficial enjoyment of the whole income .
27 As for apportioning blame for the £215m fraud at International Signal and Control , the Ferranti subsidiary , rumour and speculation abounded as it will for some time to come .
28 Singleton has an astonishing three year deal with Columbia that gives him the freedom to make as many films as he can in that time .
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