Example sentences of "[pron] [be] important for the " in BNC.

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1 The proportion of these trace elements in the fertiliser pellets will vary significantly from one wine region to another , but they normally include one or more of the following : iron , indispensable for photosynthesis ( plants lacking sufficient iron salts suffer from chlorosis ) ; magnesium , the only mineral constituent of the chlorophyll molecule ( lack of magnesium also causes chlorosis ) ; and copper , zinc and boron , which are important for the overall metabolism of the vine .
2 Chapter II of the Part contains the intervention powers which are important for the purposes of this application .
3 Thus , Gregory 's hagiography reveals that the exile of Quintianus of Rodez , which is important for the interpretation of Clovis 's anti-arian policies , is placed a decade early in the Histories .
4 It 's important for the foreign traveller to accumulate lots of useless gadgetry and ephemera that they 'd never dream of buying normally , and which makes the whole process of travelling so much more cumbersome and awkward for others .
5 Decisions about the nature of planning will of course vary greatly from school to school , but it 's important for the head to remember that we accomplish most when the staff and children are working together .
6 It 's important for the whole family to be treated even if symptoms are not present , as infection occurs very easily .
7 It 's important for the younger people who are waiting to see if they will get a pension when they retire .
8 It 's a wonderful sight , and it 's important for the public to see it .
9 It 's important for the prestige of Rangers .
10 It is important for the Government to pursue other involved parties — including the company itself , but also the finan cial advisers who put savers into the Gibraltar fund without inquiring too much about how it was able to offer such high rates of interest , not to mention the auditors who looked at the books .
11 At this stage , says General al-Nakib , ‘ It is important for the Iraqi people to feel there is an alternative leadership . ’
12 It is important for the breeder to handle the puppies carefully at least once a day , in order to establish human contact .
13 It is important for the patient to be aware of the limitations likely to be caused by his spasticity .
14 For some patients more than others , it is important for the nurses to know that familiar height .
15 It is important for the nurse to remember the professional responsibility of maintaining confidentiality so the medical diagnosis and any personal details about the other patients must not be divulged .
16 It is important for the spread to be independent of level in data analysis , whether fitting lines , smoothing , or dealing with multiple boxplots .
17 It is important for the reader to realise that no physical foreign exchange market exists .
18 Above all it is important for the staff planning groups to decide what ‘ interdisciplinary ’ work or topic work will actually mean for the learner in practice , and choice will depend in part on the school 's view of the ‘ whole picture ’ spread across quite long periods of time , with the teachers planning carefully how they intend to create a balanced curriculum over weeks and months .
19 It is important for the organiser to assist teachers to prepare specific objectives for placement .
20 Formal observation techniques and equipment are designed to reduce this discrepancy to a minimum but the nursing process depends on much more than can be obtained by this means ; therefore it is important for the teacher to have some understanding of the factors that affect the formation of percepts so that she can help the nurse to make accurate judgements where these are possible and to be sufficiently receptive and mentally flexible to consider more than one possible judgement as basis for action .
21 Thus it is important for the computer experts to adapt if they are to maintain some grasp , albeit a tenuous one , on the computers in their organisations .
22 Norris also points out that the complex system of internal air passages would prevent the production and reflection of random sounds — it is important for the dolphin not to confuse itself !
23 Vitamin C is also required by those under stress and smokers , and it is important for the growth and repair of cells , gums , blood vessels , bones and teeth .
24 In this decade of evangelisation it is important for the Church to ‘ teach publicly on moral issues and for its lay members to become more involved in the social and political life of the country … that all members of the Church should take part in the Church 's mission of bringing Christ to the world . ’
25 Lest this be seen as potentially threatening , it is important for the mother church to see this as her own growth .
26 It is important for the elderly to have heating in their bedroom because of the risk of hypothermia , and it is also essential to make sure that they are living in a home that is well ventilated as well as warm .
27 It is important for the profession that it does .
28 Certain organizations have the power to object to the grant of an O licence and it is important for the haulier seeking a licence to be aware of who they are :
29 But it is important for the family counsellor to remember that even such negative family systems provide individuals with a basis for role allocation , and a security based on certainty and predictability , however unpalatable .
30 It is important for the prosecution case to try to identify the tyre by taking the tyre or batch number which will usually be something like 824927 E , on the tyre wall in letters and figures about I cm high — in about a quarter of all checks the number is nonexistent or illegible and the police officer should try to remember other forms of identification such as marks or scratches etc. on the tyre .
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