Example sentences of "[pron] [be] the first such " in BNC.

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1 Xerox Corporation 's page description language which was the first such product to be implemented .
2 They were the first such images she had seen — the Grimauds , like many Nîmois , were staunchly Protestant .
3 It 's the first such building to be bought by a new trust which has been set up to protect some of the country 's loveliest old places of worship .
4 It 's the first such attack in Gloucestershire , although other forces are investigating similar incidents .
5 Police in Northumbria believe it is the first such attack on a house .
6 Memorex Telex NV 's Peripherals Group in Milpitas , California has made good on its promise to offer a version of its 5100 Automated Tape Library for IBM Corp AS/400 9406 processors , and claims that it is the first such library in the AS/400 market .
7 It is the first such appeal , and it is made under the provisions of section 19A of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 , which section was incorporated into that Act by section 111 of the Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 .
8 It was the first such appointment world-wide and increased the momentum of changing attitudes .
9 It was the first such measure passed in any state , although similar measures were on the ballot papers for November in Colorado and California .
10 It was the first such treaty to be concluded between Spain and an Arab country .
11 It was the first such game to be played at the Sheffield stadium since 95 Liverpool fans died there in 1989 .
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