Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [vb pp] hold the " in BNC.

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1 The difference is that you were left holding the baby .
2 They are used to hold the least dangerous categories of prisoner , including those waiting to be tried or sentenced ( remand prisoners ) , fine defaulters , those serving short sentences and prisoners awaiting reallocation to training prisons .
3 They totalled only some 10,000 regulars , perhaps 3000 of whom were needed to hold the 38 fortified strongholds in the country , particularly Plymouth , Portsmouth and Tilbury .
4 There are detailed requirements as to what the notice must contain , including the date when it is intended to hold the procession , the time when it is due to start ( but not finish ) , the proposed route and the name and address of the organiser .
5 The parish church is dedicated to St John the Baptist , whose feast is the 24th June , and it was decided to hold the event on the nearest Saturday .
6 After the success of the centenary festival it was hoped to hold the sing outdoors again , and for the 101st event in 1987 the committee worked hard to set up the staging and prepare the venue ; but a cloudburst just an hour before it was due to start necessitated a change of plan .
7 The presidium and committees were to be formed by December , and it was hoped to hold the first session of the Baltic Assembly by January 1992 .
8 It was agreed to hold the sixth round of talks in January 1992 .
9 It was agreed to hold the next ordinary session in Praia , Cape Verde , in 1994 .
10 ‘ It has been pretty hectic , anyhow ’ he explained before pointing out that the Chairman and Treasurer have both resigned , and he was left holding the fort .
11 ‘ I know how fond you are of your uncle , but even you must see what would happen if he was left holding the reins . ’
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