Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [not/n't] look at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He said ‘ it 's not bad , is it ’ , but I have seen it before at different levels and I am not looking at it too much at this stage .
2 I mean I 'm not looking at anyone in particular , because I I ca n't
3 I 'm not looking at
4 What , what I 'm not looking at you ?
5 And if every , everybody brings a friend then you 're looking at fifty people , and I 'm not looking at fifty people , I 'm looking at this lot .
6 I belatedly realized I was not looking at a reproduction .
7 Upon opening the Carlton Standard 's case , and after being initially overjoyed that I was n't looking at yet another Strat derivative , I must admit that my aesthetic values were backed into a corner while I tried to work out exactly what I was looking at .
8 I was n't looking at the negative
9 I was n't looking at the driver , ’ I said .
10 And when I was n't looking at it .
11 She said , ‘ So you are not looking at Dr Rafaelo as a potential boyfriend ? ’
12 You 're not looking at the stream , you 're looking at the bloody quality and you ca n't stop yourself doing it . ’
13 So you 're not looking at the answer .
14 When you study a play as part of an English Literature course , you 're not looking at the staging of it ; you 're not looking at how it works when it stands up .
15 When you study a play as part of an English Literature course , you 're not looking at the staging of it ; you 're not looking at how it works when it stands up .
16 You 're doing it wrong if you 're not looking at the person that you 're trying to persuade .
17 Right , or rustle the paper even , you 're not looking at it are you ?
18 you 're not looking at it in the same way at all .
19 You 're not looking at it now .
20 Till eventually I mean you ere doing it with these As you were going through here you were n't looking at this table you were working some of them out you were saying , Oh that 'll be a double positive that 'll be a double double negative these 'll go together .
21 So I suppose whatever area you went into , erm you might find it a bit frustrating to start with , because you were n't looking at the big picture .
22 Erm , I do n't know whether you can think of any other words that would be use useful but erm , if you were n't looking at hesitations , you might look at erm ,
23 His parents did not get on and parted during the war , which put an end to the old hierarchic world of Amnersfield , where you were not to look at your masters when they came up the drive , but to hoe on regardless .
24 She was n't looking at me .
25 She could feel the force of his personality even though she was n't looking at him .
26 Even though she was n't looking at him , she knew he was smiling scornfully , and the awareness made her clench her hands into fists .
27 She could feel the heat of his glare even though she was n't looking at him .
28 She was n't looking at him .
29 But she was not looking at it .
30 She was not looking at Alice .
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