Example sentences of "[pron] [be] [verb] [art] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Which of them are offering the best value ?
2 When finally a small boy was sent to ask him what he was up to , he replied : ‘ Here I am building the biggest , the best kiln Hua Xian has ever seen ’ .
3 My own plans are still totally up in the air , except that I am sure to resume my work when the new season gets underway — and then I am just going to make music wherever I am offered the best conditions for it .
4 Saunders said : ‘ I 'm enjoying the best form of my life and I go into every game fully expecting to score .
5 I could n't help but laugh when she replied : ‘ Oh , do n't worry , I 'm making the best of a bad job ! ’
6 ‘ Goddammit , I 'm doing the best I can . ’
7 Lucky me — I reckon I was given the best of both worlds .
8 ‘ But I was thinking the best time to escape is when all the teachers are n't around to stop you . ’
9 I thought my eyes must be starting out of my head , too , but there was little I could do ; I was trying the best I could to think of something distracting to say to Eric .
10 I was getting the best out of them .
11 I thought I was making the best of both answers
12 ‘ I told him that I did n't give a rat 's arse , and that I was doing the best I could . ’
13 They have the greatest reproductive success and in terms of Darwinian evolution it is Third World rapidly expanding populations which are enjoying the highest levels of reproductive success .
14 Or er er understand I 'm not entirely certain about that , they do the same with , they will tell you which are the , which are paying the best TESSA rates .
15 It is this so-called " genetic engineering " aspect which is receiving the greatest attention .
16 Th it 's been pinpointed for us that all these lovely tea , coffee , and chocolate which we all adore , is , is one of the things which is causing the greatest distress and unfairness in the world .
17 Restrictions on water use have been imposed this month in areas of the south and east of the country , which is experiencing the worst drought this century .
18 But , two years later , he is presiding over a government which is clobbering the poorest in our society harder than anyone else .
19 Er what I have chosen to do is to do what we were doing in the nineteen eighties , which is to take the simplest measure of the maximum flow and the detrusor pressure at that volume and when we do that , you can see that these patients , instead of being a single group of patients with a single kind of bladder pressure and flow , these patients are all over the map .
20 Something which is called the best of and at the same time this barrier , so again be aware .
21 No further expansion at the desktop level is planned , but a new series of high-end DRS boxes due next year and built around Pyramid Technology Corp 's R bus technology could use either processor , depending on which is offering the best price-performance at the time , he says .
22 It is introducing more of the latter which is posing the biggest problems .
23 Within a hundred years of the missionaries ' arrival many English men and women had enthusiastically adopted the monasticism which was considered the purest form of the Christian life and the surest way to salvation , and which had spread throughout western Europe in the fifth and sixth centuries .
24 My father-in-law had moved the money into the Pyramid Building Society in Melbourne , which was offering the best interest rates available at the time , and it had gone bust .
25 You have to know where you 're going if you are to plan the best way of getting there !
26 With Kenco Ground Coffee you can be sure that you are getting the best , because since it was established in 1922 , Kenco has acquired a long-established history as traditional coffee makers .
27 Check regularly with your society to make sure you are getting the best rate of interest on the type of account you have .
28 The safest way to ensure that you are getting the best practical business advice for your money is to buy from Croner .
29 If you just pull the plug it does n't have time to erase the temporary files it used and if you are using the latest SmartDrv utility you might even lose data that you thought was safely written to disk .
30 So if , for instance , you are reading the earliest Gideon books of John Creasey , stop at each fact that you feel inclined to take unto yourself and ask whether it is a reasonably timeless fact , or only a temporary one .
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