Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So when I see it cos I thought I have Alice and them , so I and in the room and I fridge .
2 Now , in the confines of The Pub From Hell , Merton , a surprisingly serious chap off-screen who tells me that in the past he 's not been wild about interviews , comes into his own .
3 I happen to know , from a friend of mine , that Robert Trivers , long before he was the great evolutionary biologist he is today , when he was an illustrator of children 's books , argued the whole thing to and fro with a friend of mine who was a Freudian analyist and he tells me that in the beginning all they talked about was Freud .
4 My father , a Desert Rat , tells me that in the North African campaign you never asked a man with a shovel where he was going , so I let Nat go .
5 Later one of the gringos in the office told me that in the book of depositions , which began at the end of January , they were already ( in the second week of April ) at page 152 , with three entries per double page .
6 And it did seem to me that in the light of , erm , of the single regeneration budget , on the light of the need to be developing a regeneration strategy for Shropshire , perhaps the role of the County Council in this affair should actually be , er , as , as the local government for the county , should be to look at preparing a , a regeneration strategy for the whole county , at which the work that we do to economic development is one of the pillars of support as is the work that the districts do is another pillar of support , as is the work of the R D C and the objective five programme , and all the various other bodies that are involved in , in economic development and similar activities in .
7 More Welsh homes — 72 per cent — are owned by those who live in them than in the United Kingdom as a whole .
8 Doubtless some protestant paramilitaries — though there have been fewer religious persons among them than in the case of the provisionals — hold to similar religious understandings of the necessity of violence under certain circumstances .
9 The individuals most concerned on these three occasions do not usually instigate them except in the case of the marriage .
10 One can not agree with them that in the graveyard at Kildalton there " are two large , but clumsily sculptured stone crosses . "
11 One can not agree with them that in the graveyard at Kildalton there " are two large , but clumsily sculptured stone crosses . "
12 Thus labelled , it relinquished the parents of their last shred of moral obligation to their son ; even managed to convince them that in the end none of it was their fault .
13 Light and dark imagery represent the opposites life and death as the imagery gets darker while the poet gets closer to death both in himself and in the poem .
14 I saw once the head of a dear friend among the leaves and was less astonished at what first seemed an apparition than by his disentangling himself and in the flesh bidding his good morning , so accustomed was I to looking for my thoughts and news among the leaves .
15 Are you coming in with me and in the library or whatever ?
16 That has brought us back again to the conundrum which you posed to me and in the face of which I had to express my helplessness — namely , how do we make the silent majority unsilent since that is by definition impossible ?
17 It was my mother who stuck up for me and in the end he came around and now him and my baby are inseparable .
18 She smiled at me and in the dark her mouth seemed covered in blood , and looking at her , I felt sick , disgusted with her , with myself , with everything .
19 and I could n't get them and in the end .
20 My Lords , er would my Noble Friend , subjects are nevertheless best taught by those who have a sympathy for them and in the light of the fact that eighty per cent of er school pupils in the primary sector are taught , th all subjects by the same teacher .
21 With careful arrangement you can see what is happening in the next room ( with an open dividing door or glass panel ) or behind you or in the hall , even in the garden , thereby extending your range of vision and your range of information .
22 The demand for milk in the cities was met mainly by cow-keepers operating in the city itself or in the suburbs .
23 Perhaps above all , the closeness of the relationship between husband and wife is often valued more for itself than in the days when marriage was seen mainly as the road to Procreation or when economic and family convenience dictated the union .
24 And thirdly we have to satisfy you that in the circumstances of the operation the police were justified in restraining Mr with handcuffs for the short period of time that he was restrained and in addition Mrs who you will remember was restrained in her lounge , she was told she could n't leave the lounge , again for a few minutes .
25 From what I could see in the mirror he looked more interested in you than in the bureau . ’
26 And I do so in the desire to serve you and in the power of the Holy Spirit .
27 Pupils ' attention is drawn to the various clubs/societies available both in the School itself and in the Edinburgh area .
28 Moreover a sea-battle which followed , off Kekryphaleia , a small island between Aigina and Epidaurus , and some fighting on Aigina itself and in the Megarid , were conducted by ‘ the Peloponnesians ’ , who are mentioned several times .
29 The principal reason why the methods of scrutiny in the House of Commons and the House of Lords differ so widely is that the House of Commons has traditionally seen its power as residing in the Chamber itself and in the power to call ministers to account on the floor of the House .
30 In fact , the larger part of the value of the contract is not in the hull itself but in the components , a significant proportion of which will be provided by GEC in Rugby .
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