Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [vb past] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Depending on how influential people were , Mickey either nodded at them or gave them a hearty greeting .
2 She twisted herself sideways in frenzy , screaming still and trying to wrench her wrists free and then he moved both her hands to one of his and gave her a light stinging slap across her cheek .
3 Alan 's ideas were so good that the Creative Director could n't believe they were his and set him a difficult test which had to be carried out in the agency .
4 ‘ He rang me and offered me a door for £250 .
5 He peered closer at me and asked what an Englishman was doing in Paris .
6 Finally , J. got tired of my everlasting complaints , took pity on me and made me a small electric fire .
7 Simon had swivelled back to me and handed me a piece of paper with an address in Theobalds Road .
8 I began to feel something sharp coming through the roof of my mouth and went to Mr Grover , who X-rayed me and showed me a pretty picture of that fateful root still there despite the hammer and chisel .
9 He opened up more the love of God to me and gave me a livelier apprehension of the Mystery of Redemption and how much I am beholden to Jesus Christ ’ .
10 Zak flashed a glance at the crew , saw me and gave me a thumbs-up sign .
11 What he did was relatively harmless , yet somewhere deep down it damaged me and gave me a streak of recklessness that is still having consequences even today .
12 She raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a wry smile .
13 Bunny saw me and gave me a brief nod , then went back to talking to a young black dude wearing a blue trenchcoat and nursing a colour-co-ordinated Filofax .
14 One of them hailed me and gave me a fiver to take them to a private clinic in Harley Street .
15 He said : ‘ The selectors showed a lot of faith in me and gave me every chance to prove my fitness .
16 He said : ‘ The selectors showed a lot of faith in me and gave me every chance to prove my fitness .
17 That is why God pitied me and gave me the easier task : to be crucified . ’
18 And after two and a half hours , the doctor made the decision for me and gave me the epidural .
19 Sometimes he was angry with me and called me a ‘ hard little thing ’ or ‘ a cruel spirit ’ , but I preferred that to being called ‘ my darling ’ .
20 Instead , hoping to expedite matters , he squatted down beside them and gave them a hand .
21 But he said it was for you and gave me the phone back to take a message .
22 It was something that gave me a framework for my experience , and in some ways kind of saved my life really because it gave me words to see that I was n't isolated , that there was a movement — it was very real and it was very gut .
23 make the point you know I 'm sure you found this useful , what particular area was the one that excited you the most , yeah ?
24 so you just wan na revisit it and say oh I 'm sure you found this document has been really useful this evening and out of those five areas we discussed , you might wan na consolidate it a bit , which was the one that excited you the most and that 's your retirement savings you know
25 The other one that worried me a bit , is how are we recr recruiting ?
26 It was an impressive sight , and one that frightened me a little at first , just because it was such a huge change and I was worried that it might happen to the island sometime .
27 His arm lay against his side like another body , his but not his , a throbbing strangeness grotesquely large , a companion to his every movement and one that gave him no peace .
28 She unlocked the car herself and handed me the keys without comment .
29 But it was the knowledge that he 'd deliberately set out to make a fool of her that wounded her the most .
30 Election and investiture had been accomplished in a confused way when the king nominated him and offered him the pastoral staff , round which the bishops pressed Anselm 's resisting fingers .
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