Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [modal v] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The shadow cabinet has agreed that while Labour must oppose the Government on various aspects of the treaty , it should do nothing that would lead to its fall .
2 The broom was there , sawdust , a pile of dirty pots , two kegs of ale , but nothing that might do for a skirt .
3 From the point of view of the experiencing subject , the meaningfulness is not something of which he is conscious ; all he experiences is , first the word ‘ red ’ , then a mental image : there is nothing that could count as his internally and introspectably associating them which does not reintroduce the mysterious generality of thought .
4 There is nothing that can exist without me .
5 The transfer may become null and void , as here , or the certificate may not be renewed , as in Miller , but nothing that can happen to the transfer or transferee will ever revive the right of a man who , ex hypothesi , has removed or yielded up possession of the premises to which the certificate relates . "
6 Well what you 're saying is that me and ought to talk to her
7 The truth is , she does not seem to wish to see me and will think of every excuse to keep me out of her presence .
8 Mr Dunn said the firm hoped to create more jobs in the not too distant future , while Roddy Ross of Tecnomarine said the partnership between the two engineering firms represented a strengthening of relations between them and would work to mutual advantage .
9 Many of those who consult a primary care physician have acute symptoms that worry them and will respond to explanation and reassurance .
10 But I can remember once when I was at the school Mrs was our music teacher and we were to go from doh to far , you know doh to far , and they used to s , she used to say listen to Mabel , Mabel 's the only one one of you that can go from doh to far .
11 That is , those of you that can read at all ! ’
12 Let the fatuous sun shine by itself and let's head for the moon .
13 ‘ The doctor said it would never get better by itself and could lead to arthritis .
14 It is also true that the service is still obsessed with the idea that it should , if possible , not act itself but should operate through some external agency .
15 Each movement is complete in itself but must flow into the next and become part of the total choreographic design .
16 We look forward to seeing as many of you as can come on Saturday 27th April 1985 , at Hounslow Manor School , Hounslow , Middlesex .
17 When I was n't in the park , I was cataloguing the host of visitors to the weeping willow tree on our front lawn — just about everything that would sit in a tree came there , mostly blackbirds , sparrows and pigeons , but the ducks loved the shelter of the drooping branches .
18 Laplace suggested that there should be a set of scientific laws that would allow us to predict everything that would happen in the universe , if only we knew the complete state of the universe at one time .
19 During the interwar years there had been several proposals for something that would go beyond this to involve governments , and in 1938 the idea of a Nordic Council had been proposed by Denmark .
20 ‘ Work , ’ she told him quietly , her eyes seeking the dark depths of his for something that would relate to what they had once been to each other in Seville .
21 He had played the worst of tricks on her , making her lose all her self-respect , and it was something that would rankle in her heart for the rest of her life .
22 Lately , he had begun to think that evolution was something that would occur in the soul and , in time , the fripperies of science would be revealed to be dangerous toys .
23 As far as the other aspect is concerned , that there is no something that would have to be dealt with on its merits taking account of the arguments for and against .
24 " On the other hand , " I went on , " I have come across something that may lead to some news of Mr. Stavanger — It might be difficult to talk to you in your office — that 's why I 'm ringing now .
25 Something that may arise in future is not a matter for me now .
26 I sang songs to myself , made up stories , got hungry , rolled around in the sand a bit , rubbed a little of it into my eyes and generally tried to psyche myself up into something that might look like a terrible state for a wee boy to be in .
27 The amount of detail in a plan is something that will vary with circumstances and a student 's knowledge .
28 Something that will clash with the quivering jowls of the General 's wife .
29 So if you could precis or select from the text that you 've already prepared for the annual report , something that will go in there that says why your functions are
30 Now I want you to find something that will do for guns and fur caps and a saucepan for Emily to cook wolf stew in — ;
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