Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
2 Can the Minister allay my suspicions about this by assuring me that as a result of a few industrialists having contributed to the programme we shall not find the names of certain chairmen and managing directors appearing in the new year honours list ?
3 Bye bye money , give me that in a minute will you ?
4 Pain and suffering — what did suffering mean to them except as a path to purity ? ’
5 This is because the founder of such a body is entitled to reserve to himself or to a visitor whom he appoints the exclusive right to adjudicate upon the domestic laws which the founder has established for the regulation of his bounty .
6 The demand must be dated and signed by the creditor himself or by a person stating himself to be authorised to make the demand on the creditor 's behalf .
7 His old friend Barfield ruefully suggested that ‘ at a certain stage in his life he deliberately ceased to take any interest in himself except as a kind of spiritual animus taking stock of his moral faults …
8 Perhaps he had not said to himself that in a marriage between two like this , someone was going to have to know a little less clearly what they had wanted .
9 All the same , despite his intelligence and charm , Diderot is perhaps less interesting in himself than as a symptom and influence .
10 In a non-pregnant goat the uterus secretes , after prolonged progesterone simulation , Prostaglandin , which after about a fortnight , destroys the corpora lutea .
11 So Patrick had no use for Edward Balliol ; but , by aiding Edward the Third , almost certainly saw himself as in a position to displace the unsuccessful Balliol and himself take over as King of Scots , with English support .
12 Wes smiled and looked up at me and for a moment the tough mask dropped from the grubby features and in the dark wild eyes I read sheer delight .
13 It looks as if you 've done a very good turn to me and to a lot of other people this afternoon .
14 As for Aunt Pamela , she never liked me and in a way I can understand why she resented my existence .
15 A palliasse had been laid for me and in a corner were the rolled palliasses of others .
16 Indeed , some main roads represent corridors of distribution ; objects like pottery are found along them and for a distance on either side , but the number of object-discoveries diminishes rapidly beyond a certain distance from the road .
17 I have to write to them and ask them and about a month later they reply to me and I pass it on to her .
18 . ’ Her words were cut off when his mouth covered hers , but when she clawed at him , one of his hands caught her wrists and held them and in a voice such as he had never used before , a deep moaning voice , he said , ‘ It 'll be all right .
19 He was in authority over them and in a class above them .
20 The curtains fluttered as the figure moved behind them and in a moment parted to reveal a metal bedstead with a grubby patchwork quilt , shelves jostling with books — and Vic , or so Mungo presumed .
21 Oh that is big age , is she still with you or in a home ?
22 and I 'll give you that as a receipt
23 Does n't it matter to you that in a place where you can now hear birdsong there 'll be pop music blaring and loudspeakered announcements from morning to night ?
24 If you 're not a member of the club and you 're not accepted the rituals and people do n't like you , they wo n't tell you and as a result you wo n't be an effective hunter , you wo n't be able to support many wives even if you wanted them and if you have wives what they needed , because if a man does n't feed his wives they , they , they all eventually get up and go , they 'll say two fingers you know , you ca n't feed us .
25 The American film industry took on a more highly integrated personality and its package of entertainment now universally referred to as ‘ Hollywood ’ moved into a position of cultural dominance in America itself and into a position not far short of that in other English-speaking countries .
26 The prevention of unjust enrichment underlies the confiscation legislation both as a moral or ethical justification in itself and as a deterrent to further illegal activity .
27 In this latter case , we are considering a form of videoconferencing and there seems little doubt that desktop , dial-up videoconferencing is going to become a major area of growth both as an application in itself and as a component of other multimedia applications .
28 The purpose of such an approach would be to demonstrate that the second language has the same potential for use as the first language , encourage learners to draw on their own experience of language by applying familiar procedures to the interpretation of second language use , and so to teach the second language system not as an end in itself but as a resource for the achievement of meaning .
29 Was co-operative store keeping to be regarded ‘ not as an end in itself but as a step towards the Co-operative or Socialist Commonwealth … envisaged partly in terms of producers ’ self-government' ?
30 Though Christian Socialism ‘ with the old Owenites and idealistic Socialists … regarded Co-operative Store keeping not as an end in itself but as a step towards the Co-operative or Socialist Commonwealth … envisaged partly in terms of producers ’ self-government' , the victory had gone to those who stood ‘ against them , the main body of the working-class adherents for whom the Store Movement was a reality and Co-operation mainly an agency for mutual thrift and the procuring of unadulterated goods at fair prices . ’
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