Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] i [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Erm if I tried they would have caught me so I just stand still and do n't scream or cry because I 'll get some more .
2 Well there 's only Fred has them you see cos I do n't like them so I only buy medium size tins to start off with .
3 I I so I just go in to the paddock ?
4 I just I just try to work out whether there must be a bigger concentration of schools in this area than than golf clubs .
5 I just I just du n no what
6 Ca n't think in the arts , in the art bit so I just I just go in for a coffee as well , yeah .
7 I just I just do n't see why
8 But I just I simply need to point out that these I five allocations are targeted at twenty eight percent of the workforce .
9 He 'd just gone up and I just I usually get up and turn the fire off and then the television .
10 Mm , so I had to go , quickly get changed , and cos it , it , I normally I just wear a pair , a pair of sandals and light weight clothing , but
11 I said , Oh do n't bother I always I always get people ringing up saying so and so 's mother or father says or someone says you 've been teaching them and can you take me or can you take my son or daughter and it always works like that .
12 I always I always make it in microwave
13 Well I always I always try quacking at ducks and they seem to quack back .
14 Right then you know where you are I always I always have a pie with me just in case I get hungry .
15 I still I still think they are today , and er , there was the Slippery Elm and then of course there was these backstreet effort .
16 It 's been good I like I really like the way she 's used .
17 I usually I usually fill that
18 but I also I also buy school uniforms
19 I really I really do wish it was that simple and I wish that when I pick up The Star on a Thursday or one of the other local papers that I did n't read in it the twenty cars that 's broken into and and all the other problems and I say to myself now why did that happen .
20 I 'm pessimistic because I believe that if the council is to tackle what I still believe to be a big problem of the local authority then it can not really do so without the support of the largest party on this authority and if we have heard erm an honest assessment of their perception of of the case , I I really I really do despair that this council will will get to the bottom of the problem .
21 Cos I well I frequently come across insists on parking his car less than that distance
22 I 've been going to bed at half past one and I was doing the T M A for two nights , then I 've been doing his V A T for two nights so I 've got to bed really really late and I just and , the thing is , the T M A were all on about my then I just start to relax I had to resort to herbal knockout drops .
23 I fully I fully accept that , er you would obviously build in the facilities which are necessary , but the most of the settlements are limited by existing physical and other constraints , and those can not be overcome , you can not duel the A nineteen as far as Easingwold without very substantial harm , for example to the open countryside , even if it were physically possible and economically possible , to expand Easingwold , sorry , to expand Tadcaster to the required size , we 'd need to roll back greenbelt boundaries , again contrary to P P G two .
24 because , in fact every time I get one from someone else I always think why have n't I gone and got some of those yet ?
25 I thought it right to refer to this decision with which again I entirely agree .
26 And when I 've expanded and I 've told you then I then come back to my ending and I say , okay so what I 've done I 've told you about three aspects of flying , about the safety of it , ab about the costs involved in taking part in flying and about the enjoyment you 're gon na get out of flying and I hope that I 've persuaded you that you will come along on Saturday to take part , and that 's the ending .
27 I think the process that I 've just explained would allow that anyway , because what I would do , if I just go back over it again , supposing for argument 's sake by the end of February we 've agreed which one we think it 's going to be , we then I then go to the home .
28 And the tune two cuts later is the fastest one and yet that 's the one where I probably play slowest .
29 I 'm crying a bit as I try and stick the pieces together , but I ca n't do it so I just leave them on the floor and sit back in the chair .
30 Erm , it 's a very long term thing , and John 's been working through the tenants ' action group on it so I personally do n't know what , what the kind of take up is on that , er
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