Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] see [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What about getting those children as they go out a voucher that their parents can bring them along to see a show at a reduced rate .
2 I rarely saw a lesson in which the students had not gone to some considerable length to vary their material and their activities to take account of the level of the class , the length of the lesson and the time of day or week .
3 I rarely saw the learning supported by the practical work the textbooks themselves suggest .
4 I eventually saw a specialist who prescribed something to ‘ kick-start ’ my periods .
5 I eventually saw a report about striking miners on American TV .
6 I merely saw no need to rectify it . ’
7 Yes , I 'd just like to emphasize the point of the last er refusal , which , I 've got a copy here , would be over bearing , out of scale with the adjacent residential property , detrimental to the amenity of adjacent occupiers , and I see no , I know we 're not talking about an appeal at this stage , we 're talking about another application , I personally see no change whatsoever to the circumstances in which the last application was refused , these properties , totally out of proportion , and totally overpowering and overbearing for that entrance to the village
8 ‘ But I told ye I only saw a shadow . ’
9 I only saw the driver but there could have been others inside the wagon . ’
10 Hundreds of people were there and I only saw the Queen at the beginning when she came out with Prince Philip and the Queen Mother and stood at the head of the terrace whilst a band played the National Anthem .
11 ‘ In the hope of following them to the base , since we do n't know where the land entrance is — I only saw the inlet that allows ships in . ’
12 ‘ Because I only saw the car ? ’
13 as a last sort of erm two days of the sale or something , they have their special offer next week or fifty percent off everything or something I feel sorry for these places really , that do you know it 's funny I only saw the car immediately in front of this grey one in there must of been a dip there because there 's two cars in front of me
14 But I c er I only see a blackbird , that 's all , two blackbirds three .
15 I looked at the altar ; in the orange glow of the valves , I suddenly saw the vision , the nightmare of the well-shaft — there was the huge seated figure , and , apparently , sitting on its lap , the dark shrivelled form of the Virgin .
16 Now I was impressed : I not seen a ski hill like this before .
17 I just saw a car run into the back of another car and a lorry ended up going sideways ’ , Sacco went on .
18 I just saw the bit where he was on about the erm short sighted hedgehog .
19 I just saw the knife heading for my face .
20 Well I du n no , I just saw the filling .
21 Had I just seen the DOS version , I 'd have been a little niggled about some of the design parameters , but very impressed at the functionality , with an overall favourable opinion .
22 But I do like life , I do like reality ; I just see a lot of manipulation of that in the photography business .
23 I just see the orange .
24 … Crossing a wooden foot bridge to the right of the village street , passing the village church and climbing a rather steep hill , on the crest of which the road curves to the right , I soon see the cart-track which leads to the hall .
25 When I finally saw the doctor and I said , ‘ Can I have something ? ’ he said , ‘ What for ? ’
26 I once saw a cellarful of pleasant bindings , all cleaned and polished , waiting shipment to America .
27 I once saw a cartoon which pictured hundreds of lemmings throwing themselves off a cliff and drowning in the water below .
28 And it was not Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery who once stated that : ‘ I once saw a bowler in Australia thunder to the wicket and bowl a flatout underarm to the batsman .
29 It 's all done up in steel pins and scaffolding to hold it up , and I once saw a computer thing in a museum showing how it shudders when the trains go over .
30 I once saw a film about a girl in love with a man who had a dickey heart , ’ he said .
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