Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] as [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It was then that Fat Watt regarded them most sullenly as though their nearness was a threat .
2 We shall see that , said I , and he answered unabashed , with the invisible instruments twanging and humming and jangling all over the room , ‘ You may see it , but you must not speak about this or anything that has passed here , for I have silenced you as surely as if I had cut out your tongue . ’
3 Ray Shepherd looked up at them as coolly as if he had just driven in to work on a routine day .
4 After all , as he had said — and now every word of our conversation came back to me as clearly as if played back on a tape — a woman has a right to decide , on the basis of her own capacity to cope with the situation , whether she is justified in going on with it .
5 I must have studied her with attention for I find that I can at this moment , however reluctantly , see her face before me as distinctly as though I was still sitting in that coffee bar with a quarter of an inch of the brown dregs left in my cup .
6 She was not smiling now , but her look was full of a benevolent curiosity , and the soft island voice , with the lilt of the Gaelic moving through it like a gentle sea-swell , warmed me as palpably as if the sun had come into the dim and cluttered little shop .
7 Rincewind took a few steps forward , cupidity moving him as easily as if he were on little wheels .
8 More important , perhaps , he was in normal uniform , which grounded him as surely as if he had been chained to the nearest hangar door .
9 Just a frail little thing , was n't she , the wind could have picked her up and tossed her away , yet she had demolished him as surely as if she had wielded a pick-axe handle to his belly .
10 It was long since Adam had thought of him so , and he gathered the warmth of their recollection to him as gratefully as if he had salved one bleached and solitary bone of the beloved right hand out of the Severn , and laid it back in holy ground .
11 He stood back to look down the line of her figure under the flimsy nightgown , his eyes caressing her as blatantly as if she had been naked .
12 Carrying her as easily as if she were made of feathers , Dane strode out towards the cottage .
13 I kept telling myself that I had killed her — had killed her as surely as if my own hands had sent her plunging down into the muddy waters of the Thames .
14 I killed her as surely as if I had stabbed her with a knife , shot her with a gun , squeezed her neck between my hands .
15 Through the brushed cotton of her sweater she could feel the pressure of his fingers , his touch scorching her as surely as if it had been on her bare skin .
16 The buzzard flew to the king 's palace , waited , perching in an oak tree , until the princess came out for her evening stroll , and then picked her up and carried her back to the forest , holding her as carefully as if she were made of rose petals .
17 She could see a decision path dividing in front of her as plainly as if it was real .
18 With his eyes closed he could see her as clearly as if she were standing in front of him .
19 He released her , his fingers still loosely in the escaped strands of her hair , staring at her as blankly as if she were some phantom being from another incarnation , a mythical seductress beamed unexpectedly into the passenger seat of his car .
20 She instructed him to wash her , and was surprised when he soaped her as gently as if she was a baby .
21 He held it up triumphantly as though it were a trophy then knelt beside the nearest keg and traced his finger around the seal of the small bung .
22 Yet he deposited her on it as carefully as if she were china , and that brought a weak tear to her eye .
23 They were uncertain of her , she could feel it as surely as if they 'd appointed a spokesman to stand up and tell her so .
24 She shared her home with Irina and me and watched over us as fiercely as if we were her own children .
25 The bargemen greeted us as formally as if we were visiting them in their own homes , which I suppose we were .
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