Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 These taxes are surely indefensible , because they are not only unproductive to the country , but actually put up the costs of producing our goods and make them less attractively priced for the overseas market .
2 He brought me down here to work for him under false pretences .
3 I once specially asked for him to be there and then demanded to know at the rehearsal who was this man sitting with the flutes .
4 I want to know that someone out there cares for me , not that I 've got no one or nothing .
5 The act of conception , staring at a typewriter for much of 1985 in a flat in Notting Hill Gate so depressed me that I immediately thereafter applied for a job as doctor for Amoco , who were then exploring for oil near Morondava .
6 I invariably never charge for giving my opinion , which is freely available to those who seek it , and this includes the London auction rooms .
7 I then subsequently asked for an iris to be put into the Dalek so that we could do a close up of the eye irising in and out to get the effect of its eye focussing on you .
8 A customer approached him , he arranged the theft , someone else took the risk , someone else again arranged for transport , your husband paid them , of course , but he collected the fee from the buyer . ’
9 I found that I no longer felt for Jean-Claude but for myself .
10 er , my Lord there has not been disclosed by the plaintiffs anything more than one copy of the brochure for each site we 've got in the my Lord might I therefore formally call for disclosures of each addition of the brochures that the jury have them
11 I never really cared for Madame Bovary , ’ she said , ‘ but Tolstoy is another matter . ’
12 And I never really asked for her .
13 I remember when the wild-west look was in fashion , though I must confess I never really cared for it myself . ’
14 And I never much cared for the bumptious , muscular side of The Smiths , so I welcome the spaciness Vini Reilly brings as new guitarist , whether it 's the lurid wig-out of ‘ Alsatian Cousin' or the dew-and-moonbeam iridescence of ‘ Late Night , Maudlin Street ’ .
15 He did n't approve of me , and to be honest I never much cared for him , either .
16 I get it form most of his kind , who remember that I was once a private investigator , and so to them not far removed for law .
17 Its not easy buying for old ‘ uns these days .
18 The thought of all the ingenuity and hard Scottish toil spent on the line 's construction being deliberately discarded by a bunch of greedy , sly , ignorant English Conservatives in London that nobody up here voted for makes my rage barely containable .
19 Ken erm y you 've asked some questions , I 've actually seen the I M R O letter and can I say that there are two questions in the I M R O letter to Mr Maxwell and Bishopsgate , which quite categorically asked for accounts and also details of the ownership structure coming out of Liechtenstein .
20 Which very definitely called for Bushmills whiskey .
21 This presupposes that pieces are not too long and that they are properly rehearsed set-pieces rather than the meaningless meanderings which too often pass for improvisation .
22 She broke away before he could get a stranglehold and made her way to the podium , hitching up her dress and putting on her very best smile for the tridvid sages .
23 She rarely even stopped for tea .
24 It was what she most urgently craved for .
25 Making love to me may help you to forget for a while , but it wo n't change the feelings you obviously still have for her , whether you care to admit it or not . ’
26 " I 'm sorry to have given you so much bother for nothing . "
27 In many parts of the Asian elephants ' range the slaughter began with the coming of colonial man , who not only shot for sport but also cleared the forest for rubber and other crops and naturally did not want elephants to undo his good work .
28 When the snow clears a little , I 'll drive you up there to see for yourself .
29 There are many housing associations who now actively cater for the independent disabled .
30 BELVILLE : Well , I believe she now only waits for you to drive her .
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