Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [be] [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Tell me , Uncle Orrin , shall I always be regarded as my father 's heiress , never seen for what I truly am ? ’
2 The Jockey Club has always declined to give a reason for its suddenly being seen as performance-affecting , saying only : ‘ Our list is being updated all the time . ’
3 There is a deteriorating health service which today is reported as becoming increasingly reliant for charity for vital equipment .
4 Veblen , like Simmel , had the advantage of seeing as new and shocking many phenomena of mass consumption which today are regarded as commonplace and natural .
5 Nothing more was said as the small tailor was accompanied to Egham Police Station and subsequently to Windsor .
6 Nothing more was said as we rode down in the elevator .
7 Charlotte heard the front door close and realized she alone was watching as the white halo of the headlamps traced his progress along the drive .
8 For Robinson , it was necessary to cease to talk in terms of moral absolutes and , consequently , he argued , ‘ nothing can of itself always be labelled as wrong ’ .
9 The two beings who unanimously are characterized as not fearful are Tanko and keoi .
10 How can it possibly be construed as unreasonable that the US discuss and join in an internationally negotiated end to the occupation of Palestine and Lebanon as well as Kuwait ?
11 What had he really been saying as they sat among the trees ?
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