Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 The white boys impute an imaginary position of advantage to blacks , which allows them not only to deny the actual conditions of black oppression , but to claim them as their own , in order to justify exclusionary practices which keep blacks ‘ one down ’ and themselves ‘ one up ’ .
2 It is vital that our children have the best possible education to allow them not only to have the best possible standard of life and maximise their opportunities , but for the benefit of Britain , so that we can compete in the world in trade and industry .
3 And you 've got difficulties because there they are appointed executor they 're not doing their job , nobody else there to do the job , somebody 's got to sort that out .
4 Great practical achievements jostle with the expected financial and administrative problems but throughout it is a story of people doing their very best to improve the health and welfare of animals of all shapes and sizes and in all circumstances .
5 Indeed , once a psychic has become established it seems that nothing — not the most detailed confession , not the most damning exposure — can dent the confidence of believers-And , not content with continuing to believe the evidently fraudulent , they do their very best to draw the exposers into the net .
6 To this end , we urge you not only to use the Line yourself for shopping , sightseeing etc. , but also to encourage your friends , acquaintances , neighbours and relatives , who may not even know of the existence of the Line , to use it .
7 Hopefully the book will help you not only to identify the polarities but also to see the means of fruitful reconciliation .
8 It is ridiculous to suggest that a magazine article , book or even the most expert of instructors can teach you exactly how to perform the complex set of movements involved in , say , gybing .
9 I can not urge you strongly enough to resist the temptation of trying to work with such tapes .
10 And when the rain stops , the beavers may have to build them up again to prevent the level of the lake from falling so low that the entrance to the lodge is exposed .
11 As the whole object of selling the record , if it was a sale , was to increase the sales of chocolate , it seems to me wrong not to treat the stipulated evidence of such sales as part of the consideration .
12 But because both CSPs and more general phonological variables are variety-specific , it is difficult to distinguish them clearly enough to apply the taxonomy more generally .
13 ‘ And you wiped everything out just to camouflage the truth ? ’
14 If they had been beaten in a fight , he would give them a good hiding and send them back out to do the job properly .
15 She promised herself never again to disturb the peace of this man 's life .
16 It was as difficult for them to develop a public analysis of rape eight years ago as it is for them today publicly to acknowledge the extent of sexual abuse of girls and young women inside and outside the home .
17 I urge him not merely to consider the matter but , because of the strength of feeling shown here , to take action as soon as possible , so that our hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West and his family will not have suffered in vain .
18 He is also writing to John McGregor , the Education Secretary , urging him not only to abandon the idea of additional CTCs but to hand over those in the pipeline to local authorities .
19 He stretched across her once more to shut the lead door , his arm in front of her face and blocking her view of the box .
20 He waited two minutes to focus his thoughts , threw back the duvet — its stale scent reminding him yet again to visit the launderette soon — and staggered into the bathroom .
21 Wexford grasped it in both his hands , raised it high and brought it down hard to meet the empty air .
22 ‘ Following the failure of the stabiliser rear spar top chord , the structure could not sustain the flight loads imposed upon it long enough to enable the failure to be detected by the then existing inspection schedule .
23 While attentive to the spirit of his reproach , it is not enough to retreat into the security of a duality — even a dialectic duality — in which difference is always already valorized against the corrosiveness of repetition ; but nor is it enough simply to reverse the poles and allow the current to run the other way .
24 For Chambers , his witness of doubtful character , he found this Nixonian endorsement : ‘ Is it not better to tell the whole truth in the end than to refuse , as Hiss did , to tell it at all ? ’
25 Screw it further in to lower the water level — or out to raise it
26 All he had to do was wind it up again to find the way out .
27 The Bishop of London , who was responsible for church organization in America , suggested in 1749 that a bishopric should be created for the American colonies ; nonconformist Protestants in England and in America opposed it strongly enough to lead the government to lay the idea aside .
28 Was it deep enough to sweep the vehicle over the edge ?
29 This conception of syntax as a kind of lexical auxiliary is explored in Chapter 5. 1 mention it here simply to illustrate the implications that might arise from the more considered interpretation of theoretical ideas .
30 Is it sometimes better to avoid the word ‘ deaf ’ ?
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