Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] you [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I merely shut you up so I could get some sleep ! ’
2 ‘ Now , I better bring you up to date a bit .
3 I only told you so you know he — he — well , he likes her .
4 Presently she said , ‘ Now I must n't keep you , I only sought you out in your lair because this benighted village boasts no telephone , one has to be one 's own messenger — well , as they say , on est jamais mieux servi que par soi-même .
5 I 'm not really , I only wind you up .
6 I know but I mean I , I only , I only wind him up , I only wind you up , I do n't really do anything .
7 I only send you there cos it 's cheap .
8 ‘ Then may I not see you again ? ’
9 This can be seen in : ( 211 ) Have I not bidden you never to look upon the face of woman ?
10 It was , can I just bring you back to that point
11 Can I just bring you back to the item before us , which is ‘ This Common Inheritance ’ , and ask you to endorse the sub-committees suggestions , i.e. repeat them , as comments from the health committee , with the additions from the vice-chair on environmental protection agency .
12 Yeah can I just stop you just for a second ?
13 C can I just stop you there and say is it relevant ?
14 Can I just stop you there , just for a second ?
15 Can I just , can I just stop you there for a minute .
16 I just told you why not , I did n't go and get it
17 Well it does n't really matter where , if I just tell you where , it does n't matter where on there .
18 Shall I just give you out a load and
19 All messed up again after I just cleaned you up !
20 Can I , can I just pause you there ?
21 But can I just refer you back to the words of P B G three where it says quite clearly in paragraph thirty three .
22 Can I just drop you off ? ’
23 I just wanted you tonight . ’
24 I just wanted you alone . ’
25 Now before we talk a little bit about that , I 'll j can I just take you back erm a couple of years and ask you er what your memories are of the general strike ?
26 Could I just take you back , David , on the point where you 're talking about the things that the teacher might recognise .
27 But I was , I just bought you down here just to have a look .
28 Can I just ask you then , in relation to your waste disposal business , which is a fashionable diversification .
29 Chair , can I just help you here recently , because we 've had a recent case ourselves erm , this is an ironic twist to this , because Councillor Patten 's being writing to the County on Highway and Traffic issues recently and sending us a copy , and it 's stunned us a little bit , because normally they would write to us direct , but there 's a sting in this because we do n't know whether we 're supposed to respond to him now , or the county .
30 I just saw you out the window !
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