Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The matter that has given me most cause for admiration is the way in which he has conducted himself while the horrible events have gone on and been reported in the press .
2 When Sabin developed his attenuated strains of polio he energetically pursued his goal of making them widely accepted as vaccine strains .
3 In addition to using casual workers to man up for " events " , we also found cases of organisations bringing them in to cope with peaks in what might be termed their " more continuous " activities .
4 The hotel 's owner said nine Irishmen had been staying at the hotel since June , all of them apparently working as builders .
5 As the person through whom all orders for purchases from project grants must pass , this is clearly a key position in the project 's structure .
6 Even so , I thought on occasion there had been a loss ; nothing necessarily to do with oxygen starvation but just as a result of the experience , the shock of his cold journey , slipping away beneath the grey lid of ice ( and perhaps , I told myself in later years , it was only a loss of ignorance , a loss of folly , and so no bad thing ) .
7 I had just winched in the staysail 's port sheet when the explosion sounded , or something so like an explosion that I instinctively cowered by Wavebreaker 's rail as my mind whipped back to the crash of practice shells ripping through the sleet in Norway .
8 I rarely used to Hasselblad .
9 ‘ In those days , the new psychology was just beginning to make itself felt in the circles I most frequented in Oxford , ’ he told readers of the 1950 reprint of Dymer .
10 Nor that I thereby hope for immortality :
11 Sir , I wholeheartedly agree with Dr Stephen Smith 's comments ( News , July 12 ) on behalf of the NFU that charges for advice services to our hard pressed farmers should be realistic .
12 I fundamentally believe in Britain as a part of Europe .
13 When I eventually returned to Vienna to make music , I was completely relaxed within myself .
14 Railway stations are almost home to me now , I realized , when I eventually arrived at Victoria .
15 I eventually arrived in Los Angeles and got a job with a show-business agency as a secretary .
16 It was as fine an afternoon as you could wish for as I slowly descended to Malham Beck , the Cove coming into view on my left as I walked down .
17 In gratitude for what I thought God had given me , a second chance , I ignored Leon 's boredom as I talked him through the files — just as I was ignoring Muriel 's messages to call her — and I ignored his rarely appearing at meetings with agricultural reps and men from the Milk Marketing Board ; ignored his non-involvement with any of the humdrum things essential to the running of a place like Sleet .
18 In July 1914 while preparing the volume for publication , he confided to his close friend Florence Henniker : ‘ Some of them I rather shrink from printing — those I wrote just after Emma died , when I looked back at her as she had originally been , & when I felt miserable lest I had not treated her considerately in her latter life .
19 Then there 's another neck that comes across the other way and you can tune the strings any way you want ; I basically tune to groups of diatonic notes with whatever melody I want to play .
20 Afterwards , having made desperately light of the gaffe , I defensively hissed to Jack : ‘ Well , it 's not pronounced Botha is it ?
21 I say , the reason I think I had bad dreams , recently , in the last sort of three nights , is because they 're the three nights I went swimming early , so I thought I better go to bed early .
22 I better walk on tip-toes to right well , you know now let's just give , you know , I mean you ca n't see Zane 's bum .
23 To get the activity in isolation you have to think of someone suddenly coming into existence with just enough of a world around him so that what he does and believes is just what the postman does and believes in the real world , but without any real environment .
24 Then Paul Weller formed a group with the extraordinarily hopeless name of The Paul Weller Movement ( for someone so fascinated by Englishness , you 'd think he 'd have noticed the national Jokes About Bowels obsession ) , started performing Jam songs and left Polydor .
25 I personally like to idea of meetings like this , both because of the element of local co-operation and also because we can hear the views of other people , railway sympathisers rather than railway enthusiasts perhaps , on how railways fit into the scene .
26 photography , I personally talking to people about jobs
27 What I will tell you , and I will tell for the very first time , is that I personally dealt with people whose future may well have been considered under the terms of the AMO .
28 These I personally selected at training schools , generally those with " Distinguished " passes .
29 I literally jumped for joy when I heard that key turn in the lock and saw Mum and Mrs Taylor enter with another woman .
30 I confess that I literally gasped with disbelief when I heard him calmly announce his determination to get rid of the poll tax at the first possible opportunity .
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