Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] has [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What can family members and others do to help someone who has addictive diseases ?
2 No minor of whatever age has power by refusing consent to treatment to override a consent to treatment by someone who has parental responsibility for the minor and a fortiori a consent by the court .
3 The argument that W. , or any other 16- or 17-year-old , can by refusing to consent to treatment veto the treatment notwithstanding that the doctor has the consent of someone who has parental responsibilities , involves the proposition that section 8 has the further effect of depriving such a person of the power to consent .
4 Silvio is a very complex and tormented personality , someone who has great difficulty in coming to terms with the demands of life .
5 You can start to regard yourself as someone who has great potential for change and self-fulfilment .
6 So I can recommend this book only to someone who has little knowledge of green issues and the science involved .
7 The person who graduates from television 's school , then , is someone who has little imagination and few skills in logical analysis and critical discussion ; they have a marked preference for images rather than reality ; and a deep and increasing commitment to just one activity : watching television .
8 While I have friends who would probably help me a great deal , there is no legal arrangement to deal with someone who has declining health because of AIDS .
9 It has always been my belief that casuals were just beer-swilling animals with the intelligence of donkeys , but the letter you published was clearly written by someone who has enough intelligence to put his radically extremist views into practice and cause a lot of harm .
10 Someone who wishes to obtain some food in return for some clothes , not only has to find someone who has some food , but who is also seeking some clothes .
11 At the youngest age , your friend may be the winner of a running race or someone who has beautiful hair !
12 You are not necessarily at any more risk of malignant melanoma than someone who has fewer moles .
13 Somebody who has some taste at least , ’ Constance replied .
14 In recording life on board troopship , which she noted mainly in very quick sketches of which she has special mastery , Linda Kitson noted the macabre elements of military training and equipment against the cushioned setting of a luxury liner ; for example , the Rudolf Steiner Hair Salon , which housed the signals squadron .
15 In recording life on board troopship , which she noted mainly in very quick sketches of which she has special mastery , Linda Kitson noted the macabre elements of military training and equipment against the cushioned setting of a luxury liner ; for example , the Rudolf Steiner Hair Salon , which housed the signals squadron .
16 Medical audit should relate to aspects of clinical activity over which one has some control so that change can be initiated if a problem is identified .
17 And a system in which everybody has total faith in exam results .
18 This is a rare opportunity to listen to Tavernier 's ideas about film and about the relationship between European and American cinema , a subject about which he has strong views .
19 He now brings an action in the High Court , in the course of which he gets an order for discovery , B is compelled to disclose the documents which he has that support A's case , and A may be allowed to administer interrogatories to B — questions in writing which B must answer also in writing but upon oath .
20 Golding ) , he was , I agree , referring to a new phenomenon of which he has personal experience .
21 In France they have devised a logical system whereby senior officials of the Bureau d'Enquête d'Accident are formally recognised by the magistrate as officials of his court , thereby relieving the magistrate himself of much responsibility relating to highly technical matters of which he has little comprehension while at the same time enabling the professional investigators immediate access to the wreckage of the aircraft and its records , etc. in their pursuit of the cause of the accident .
22 ( Hons. ) degree and has taught Maths , English and Social Sciences at both Primary and Middle schools , added to which he has 13 years experience in embalming .
23 Assuming that there is a perfect capital market , so that the individual can borrow or lend freely at an interest rate r ( about which he has confident expectations ) , a person 's expected lifetime discounted income is measured by , where W u and M u are expected wage income and capital receipts at time u , and P u denotes the survival probability .
24 It demonstrates the principle that the EEC 's worst-managed and least successful policies are those in which it has unrestrained jurisdiction .
25 It is not clear whether the date of composition of The Epistle of Mixed Life precedes or follows Scale 1 with which it has close affinities .
26 The late Sir Peter Scott was the founder , in 1961 ( WWF is the only one of the Big Three which has British origins ) , and international headquarters are in Gland , Switzerland , in the same building as the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN ) , with which it has close relations ( and which , in turn , is close to UNEP ) .
27 Perhaps by the very end of his life , in 1880 , he had come to believe that a people , a nation , does not create itself according to its own best ideas , but is shaped by other forces , of which it has little knowledge .
28 The Court of Justice is composed of thirteen judges and four Advocates Generals , who guard the interpretation and application of the Treaties and EC laws , over which it has final authority .
29 Moscow has increased the number of countries with which it has commercial dealings from four in 1960 to over twenty by the end of the 1970s , but the volume of trade has not exceeded $30 million with more than eight ( Argentina , Brazil , Uruguay , Peru , Bolivia , Mexico , Colombia and Nicaragua ) and it is only with Argentina , Brazil and Nicaragua that it has risen above the $100 million level .
30 If Winnicott 's image of the mirror-image is a valid one and what the baby needs at a certain stage is a reflection of a meaningful world in which she/he has some place , we are also back with perception and self-perception .
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